Decisions Plan AB

Learning Objectives: In this workshop you will learn and apply creative thinking techniques to problems, learn and practice a method of Problem Solving which can be applied to nearly any situation, and learn four styles of effective Decision Making and match them to appropriate situations.

Intended audience: Individuals of all levels. We all make decisions, inside and out of work, and anyone can apply concepts learned.

Participant commitments: This workshop has a full, interactive agenda including breakout groups. Please commit to the following: arrive on time, have your video on, and be actively engaged in the activities throughout the entire workshop.


Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Stacey Schack
Maximum Enrollment: 

If you are not logged in, do so with your HSU account to see the "Registration" button.  Afterwards, you wil be directed to the registration page.

NOTE:  Non-Skillport or non Instructor-led courses may not have registration button enabled.

If you encounter any problem or have any questions, please email us at

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