Using learnr to Build Interactive Statistics Tutorials

Computer Desk

This workshop introduces users to the learnr package for R. learnr is a tool for creating tutorials that consist of content along with interactive components for checking and reinforcing understanding. Tutorials can include text, videos, images, equations, knowledge check quizzes, R code exercises (students can run R inside the tutorial), and interactive Shiny components. A typical tutorial might include several short lecture videos, quizzes with feedback following videos, text highlighting R code for examples used in the videos, exercises that allow students to try analyses on new problems (with the option to provide correct code if students are stuck), and quizzes focused on interpretation of results. The workshop will introduce the basics of learnr, how to build an R package including your tutorials and course-specific data, and troubleshooting tips. The workshop requires knowledge of R and, ideally, familiarity with R Markdown.  - This event was organized in collaboration with the “R-Collective”, which is a group of faculty, staff, and students for sharing and developing knowledge, skills, and proficiency using the R software package.

Friday, June 26, 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm
Chris Aberson
Maximum Enrollment: 

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