May 2023 Newsletter

L4Humboldt at the Cal Poly Library

Summer LearnLearn or Teach With Colleagues Across the CSU!

For several years what was called L4HSU has been a source of inspiration in many topics.  Organized by the Cal Poly Humboldt Library, what is now known as L4Humboldt, short for LifeLong Learning Lounge at Cal Poly Humboldt,  is an opportunity where people share their knowledge, play while learning, and make connections with each other during the summer.

In the past, they had interesting courses like Exploring Virtual Dissection, An Artist's Process, Defining Words (Your Personal Qualifiers), Put it on the Map with Google Maps, and many more.

But not everything is learning only, there are art and game hours, like Art Hour, Dungeons & Dragons for New Players, Truths and a Lie, and Meditation.

Classes and fun activities run from June 5th to August 11, 2023.  If you are interested in taking any of the courses, please visit the calendar here:  It will be updated as new courses are added.

On the other hand, if you want to share your knowledge with others, you'll find more information here:

Featured Tech Skills Course

Tech Skills

Establishing Effective Virtual Teams

Building and managing teams is enough of a challenge when everyone is in the same location. Collaboration when working on a team that's virtual requires even more commitment. In this course, you'll learn about teamwork and team leadership when working on a virtual team. You'll cover remote management and tactics for communication, assessment, and meetings for virtual teams.


Positive Psychology


Join this engaging and interactive learning experience on how positive psychology can lead to personal and professional success. We will explore the happiness advantage principles that can help shift our mindset through positive psychology.

Register Here

Professional Troublemaker


We often use labels or are labeled as professionals or troublemakers in the workplace and our personal circles. Join us in unpacking the book Professional Troublemaker, considered a "How to Human" manual by the New York Times. Our facilitator LeSondra M. Jones, M.A., will guide participants through strategies on how to apply the Fear Fighter Manual to their authentic selves by lending courage, not fear. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to create their own Oriki. Books (optional) may be purchased via Amazon or Audible but are not required to participate in the discussion.

Register Here

A Fearless Campus

Autumn Hands

The mission of a Fearless Campus is to create a supportive, inclusive, equitable and psychologically safe campus environment with a common purpose of enabling performance, commitment, and retention for all members of the campus community (leadership, faculty, staff, and students).  

Register Here

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Achieving Digital Dexterity

Flexibility, agility, and the ability to efficiently change between activities are critical in today's tech-centric environment. Digital innovation has transformed the business landscape. Computer data informs our decision making and computerized processes play a major part in the jobs we do. Businesses committed to embracing digital agility are the ones that excel. In this course, you'll explore the benefits and techniques for achieving organizational digital dexterity. You'll explore how to establish a tech-centric mindset and how to digitize practices to support digital dexterity. In addition, you'll learn how to gauge organizational progress toward digital dexterity and the associated strategies to sustain it.


Mind Body Wellness with Jessica Coats

Focus Energies

Many of us are judged in life by how quickly we can get things done. Because of this, it is difficult to develop the mindset of slowing down, getting centered and getting focused. Content includes:

  • Control v. letting go
  • The practice of mindfulness
  • Conscious breathing
  • Gentle stretching
  • Guided relaxation

Register Here

Upward Bullying: Navigating Abusive Behaviors by People with Less Authority


We typically think of bullying as coming from peers and people in higher positions within an organization. But According to the Workplace Bullying Institute, 14 % of all workplace bullying in the U.S. is bullying by direct reports or people with less organizational authority. This workshop explores how to mitigate the conditions that allow this form of bullying to occur and to get through it when it does.

Register Here

Creating a Healthy Mind: Addressing Burnout with Kristen Hooks

Mental Health

Burnout is a real thing that leaves us exhausted, detached from our jobs and inefficient in all areas of our lives.  Creating a healthy mindset that is flexible and able to adapt to the stress everyday life is a remedy for burnout Content includes:

  • Mindful living and mindful habits
  • Building resilience through focusing on managing energy in four areas: Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual
  • Increasing emotional intelligence through self-awareness, self-management, and empathy

Register Here

CSU's Got Talent

The Secret to Getting Along

"The Secret to Getting Along: 3 Steps to Creating Better Teams" May 23 from 10:00 - 11:00 PM PT


Register the Day of the Webinar

Upcoming Classes

Mar 27 2025 - 12:15pm to 12:45pm
Mar 28 2025 - 8:00am to 8:30am
Mar 28 2025 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Emerging Allies Networking and Connecting Session

ally hands

This interactive session is designed for anyone who would like to learn more about allyship and make new connections. Whether you are just starting your allyship journey or are already regarded as an ally by your peers, you will learn from one another. The 1-hour workshop will include breakouts with guided questions to help participants broaden networks and share ideas, thoughts, and experiences that are essential to establish lasting relationships, advance allyship, and support your career development. Attendees can expect to gain new connections and increase awareness surrounding allyship and the actions to take to be an ally.

Register Here

Being a Champion: Strategies for Getting Ahead with Jessica Coats

Don't be afraid to be great

Career advancement begins long before the opportunity for promotion comes along. If you desire to get ahead in the workplace, focus on becoming an invaluable contributor to the organization. Content includes:

  • Qualities of workplace champion
  • Building trust and relationships
  • Managing emotions
  • Demonstrating professionalism

Register Here

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Tech Tips

When It Looks Like You Completed a CSU Learn Course, but Still Shows as Incomplete

You must have left the course idle for a while and it logged you out before you finished it.  Please close the browser completely, log back in to CSU Learn, open the course, and it will open where you left off. 

Skillshops @ the Library