How to be an Effective Virtual Team Member

Remote Team

Virtual business teams are work groups made up of people with complementary skills, common purpose and interdependent goals, separated by geography, time zones and sometimes language and culture. These business groups have become critical to maintaining strong communication with teammates, customers and stakeholders.

The ability of employees to work effectively in a virtual team environment will be crucial for their success. This LIVE, virtual course enables team members to understand how to work most effectively with others who work elsewhere much or all of the time. Join Us!

Session Agenda:
1. Understanding Virtual Teams
2. Virtual Team Communication
3. Effective Virtual Meetings

In this 3-hour Workshop you can expect to walk away with tools to be a more effective team member such as:
-Understand the basic fundamentals of virtual teams and how they benefit both managers and individual team member
-Learn how to incorporate basic communication techniques into your virtual interactions
-Explain ways that team members can help alleviate problems on a virtual team
-Identify the key to managing conflict on a virtual team
-Discuss the importance of engagement during virtual meetings

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Michele K. Synegal, MCS
Maximum Enrollment: 

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