February 2024 Newsletter

Spring Cross Campus Collaboration Courses

Love LearningCross Campus Collaboration courses are back for Spring.  This is an excellent opportunity to learn from presenters from almost every CSU campus.  This year we have more courses with new topics.  Check them out as one might inspire you.

Also, we are highlighting two very different courses on CSU Learn.  The first one will introduce you to the concept of generative AI and how it will impact our current and future activities, at work and at home.  The second course is one that every staff member on campus should be aware of: how to interpret the needs and priorities of our customers.  These customers can be staff members, faculty, and of course, students. 

Finally, this month's CSU's Got Talent will talk about the differences of communication between different generations in the modern workplace.  Join this one-hour webcast to learn how to effectively communicate and collaborate with our colleagues. 

Featured Tech Skills Course

Tech Skills

Generative AI and its Impact to Everyday Business

In this course, you will gain an introductory understanding of generative AI and its potential impact on everyday business activities. This will provide you with a foundation for more in-depth exploration of specific techniques and ethical considerations in subsequent courses.


How to be an Effective Virtual Team Member

Remote Team

In this 3-hour Workshop you can expect to walk away with tools to be a more effective team member such as: 
-Understand the basic fundamentals of virtual teams and how they benefit both managers and individual team member
-Learn how to incorporate basic communication techniques into your virtual interactions
-Explain ways that team members can help alleviate problems on a virtual team
-Identify the key to managing conflict on a virtual team
-Discuss the importance of engagement during virtual meetings

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Negotiation by Any Other Name

Autumn Hands

This interactive workshop will teach how to recognize the negotiation aspects of daily interactions and to achieve our interests without fear or “hardball” tactics. All levels of experience are invited to attend. The workshop will feature scenarios and roleplay in breakout sessions.

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Breath and Health

take deep breaths

Have you ever experienced how altering the pattern you breathe improves your state of mind? Come experience the intimate link between our breath and our emotions. During the session, we will do some light gentle stretches and guided meditation. Come prepared to leave this 30-minute virtual session afresh, anywhere you are! 

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Navigating Challenging Conversations

Difficult Conversations picture

Increase your confidence and comfort in facing challenging conversations in this 60 minute workshop! Navigating Challenging Conversations will provide strategies that will help turn a difficult discussion into an opportunity for growth, collaboration, and understanding. Learn how to mentally shift your perception of the conversation, carefully choose your language for maximum impact, and organize a loose agenda for the conversation.

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Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Customer Service: Interpreting Customers' Service Priorities

In this course, you'll learn to distinguish customer priorities as either explicit or implicit, and to describe how speed influences customer perception. You'll also learn strategies to decrease the amount of effort the customer has to expend in getting issues resolved, methods to demonstrate your presence for customers in service interactions, and strategies to help you balance priorities during a customer service interaction. 


Facilitating Challenging Conversations: Preparing Others

Difficult Conversations picture

What a facilitator does with and for a group, sometimes before even walking into the room, can make a world of difference for how discussions will go. In this workshop we will discuss actions you can take to create the conditions for productive conversations about challenging topics, including establishing clear guidelines for interaction and providing careful structure for the discussion. Part 2 of 4 of Facilitating Challenging Conversations: Classroom Focus series.

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Self-Coaching 101


The Self Coaching 101 session will explore the mental processes and paradigms that lead to personal and professional excellence. The workshop is based on the idea that a strong mindset if critical to optimal performance and will provide practical tools to allow participants to unlock their fullest potential at home and work. In addition, the session will explore the balance of achievement and fulfillment as keys to long-term success, allowing for increased emotional health and resilience, particularly in these challenging times.

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How To Get Your Child to College

Black Student Success

Our presenter, Gigi McGuire, Assistant Director of Student Outreach and Recruitment at CSUN, has extensive knowledge of the CSU admission policies and procedures, and aims to share their knowledge with staff and faculty interested in helping their child get to college. There is a lot of information out there - we'll provide critical and timely information, dispel myths, and ensure you are equipped to help your child research, apply and successfully transition into the college of their choice.

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Generational Diversity

Hands Colors

For the first time in history there are four different generations in the workplace. Learn how to value the new ideas and embrace the change that each new generation brings. Content includes:

- Understanding generational diversity
- Breaking down generational stereotypes
- Strengthening work relationships

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CSU's Got Talent

teamwork across generations

"Teamwork Across Generations - Navigating Communication Divides in the Modern Workplace" March 13 from 10:00 - 11:00 PM

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Upcoming Classes

Mar 27 2025 - 12:15pm to 12:45pm
Mar 28 2025 - 8:00am to 8:30am
Mar 28 2025 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Using Inclusive Language

Positive Relationships

The words we choose have the power to make people feel celebrated and valued.

Our language can also - intentionally or unintentionally – exclude or alienate others. This workshop explores inclusive language strategies that will help attendees communicate respectfully and with the goal of bringing everyone into the conversation, no matter the venue.

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The Performance Diagnostic Checklist: A simple tool to boost your team's success


 This 90-minute interactive workshop breaks down the complexities of performance management into practical steps and introduces the Performance Diagnostic Checklist - Human Services (PDC-HS), a research-backed assessment tool designed to identify factors influencing your team's performance and suggest effective interventions.

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Facilitating Challenging Conversations: Facilitation Basics

Difficult Conversations picture

Facilitating equitable and inclusive conversations is a different skill than simply presenting content directly; when those conversations touch on sensitive or controversial issues, they can be particularly challenging. This workshop will discuss the skills and dispositions of effective facilitators as well as strategies to address common concerns / challenges. Part 3 of 4 of the Facilitating Challenging Conversations-Classroom Focus series.

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Tech Tips

ChatGPT: Good or Evil?

ChatGPT is a tool that can help create different kinds of content, solve mathematical equations, write papers, create presentations and much more.  The key is to use it as a guide or starting point, and not rely on it to deliver a final product. 

Skillshops @ the Library

Upcoming Skillshops:
