Cultivating Sustainable and Thriving Academic Programs
Please join us for Humboldt's Fall 2021 Professional Development Day. This event brings colleagues from across the campus in sessions that explore a wide range of significant topics defining us as Humboldt. The opening and closing sessions will be held in Nelson Hall East Goodwin Forum and the breakout sessions will be in Siemens Hall. Come as you are able: on campus or virtually. Zoom links will be added as the event draws near.
Opening Session, Goodwin Forum
7:00-8:00 am Registration, Breakfast
8:00-8:50 am Provost Jenn Capps: Welcome and Plenary, Cultivating Sustainable and Thriving Academic Programs
Breakout Sessions 1, 9:00-9:50 am
Title | Presenters | Room |
Stewarding and Leveraging Our Resources: Budget 101 | Simone Aloisio & Monty Mola | SH109 |
Moving Beyond Bias: Part 1 | Training Team (Nancy Olson) | SH110 |
Knowing Your Role and Supporting Survivors: Part 1 | Allan Ford, Paula Arrowsmith Jones & Maxwell Schnurer | SH117 |
Engaging the Intellect: Evidence-Based Practices to Critically Engaging Students in Thinking and Learning | Enoch Hale & Arianna Thobaben | SH115 |
Breakout Sessions 2, 10:00-10:50 am
Title | Presenters | Room |
Serving as a Department Chair: Beyond the Job Description | Bori Mazzag, Kishan Lara-Cooper & Simone Aloisio | SH109 |
Wait, you did what? Understanding the Student Conduct Process | Roger Wang & Eboni Turnbow | SH110 |
Moving Beyond Bias: Part 2 | Training Team (Nancy Olson) | SH115 |
Knowing Your Role and Supporting Survivors: Part 2 | Allan Ford, Paula Arrowsmith Jones & Maxwell Schnurer | SH117 |
Engaging All Students: Practical Strategies for Inclusive Teaching | Brandilynn Villarreal, Kim White, and Kayla Begay | SH108 |
Lunch, 11:00 am -12:45 pm, Goodwin Forum
Breakout Sessions 3, 1:00-1:50 pm
Title | Presenters | Room |
Moving Beyond HSI Designation to HSI Thriving | Fernando Paz &TBD | SH109 |
De-Siloing: Building Collaboration Across Departments | Nancy Olson | SH110 |
Decolonizing the Syllabus | Cutcha Risling Baldy | SH115 |
Academic Advising - GEAR & the New Area F | TBD (GEAR, ES & ACAC) Lisa Tremain, Jenni Robinson (or Clint Rebik), Dana Deason | SH117 |
Breakout Sessions 4, 2:00-2:50 pm
Title | Presenters | Room |
Repopulating Humboldt: COVID-19 Capacity Considerations | Cris Coczera & Mike Fisher | SH109 |
Writing Across the Curriculum at Humboldt: A Mini-Seminar on Writing and Linguistic Justice from the Humboldt Center for Engaged Writing | Lisa Tremain | SH110 |
Cross-Cultural Communications | Elavie Ndura | SH115 |
Strengthening Workplace Culture in the Midst of Change | Nancy Olson | SH117 |
Closing Session, 3:00-3:45 pm, Goodwin Forum
Closing Remarks, Door Prizes
- Several Locations around campus and virtually
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