
“Active listening” is often described as an essential communication skill. But active listening done well is more than just a way to improve communications – it’s a vital conflict de-escalation tool. “Active listening” also means a lot of different things to different people. 

This workshop focuses on how to employ “de-escalation listening,” a type of active listening that creates space for collaboration and problem-solving. The workshop begins with a practical discussion about what de-escalation listening looks like and when to employ it. Then, participants will consider a workplace scenario in which people have begun to fall into polarized positions. The scenario will be based upon anonymous input from participants in advance of the workshop. Participants will break into groups of 3-4 people to explore one perspective in the conflict and how a de-escalation listening strategy might be employed. Please complete this survey to help the presenters develop a scenario based on factors’s relevant to you: De-Escalation Listening Scenario Input. When the breakout groups reconvene, participants will be given an opportunity to role-play with the assistance of the facilitators. The workshop will conclude with a debriefing about how de-escalation listening worked during the role-play exercise. Participants will also be able to ask questions of the facilitators (two university ombuds)."

Thursday, November 4, 2021 - 9:30am to 11:00am
Maximum Enrollment: 

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