Black Student Success: Increase Recruitment, Retention, Engagement, & Completion

Black Student Success

Live Webinar sponsored by the Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion and the Center for Teaching and Learning

The more inclusive and equitable your campus is, the better your student recruitment, retention and engagement will be. Institutions need to be proactive in their approach to create a more welcoming environment and ensure black student satisfaction by recognizing the unique differences, experiences and struggles they face both on and off campus.

What real changes must my institution make to be more responsive to Black students' needs?

What can you do to be more than an ally and truly advocate on their behalf?

Join us on February 14, 2018 and our expert presenter will address those questions and the challenges your Black students face daily, as well as strategies for how to help overcome them.

Explore how current events impact your Black students and analyze the similarities of history and current campus climates to help your students seek answers to their concerns not readily provided by your institution. 

Dr. Ryan C. Holmes, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students at the University of Miami in Florida

Learning Outcomes
Join this webinar and:  
  • Ensure your institution is truly responsive to the needs of your Black students – avoid being complicit and take intentional action to address and positively impact their experience on your campus so that they succeed and graduate.
  • Create campus structures and systems that provide support for Black students – utilize more than just Black professionals on campus to advocate for and support black student satisfaction, engagement, and persistence.
  • Understand racial theory in America – move past these stigmas so you can provide access to needed care and support in a way that resonates with this unique population.
  • Foster a collaborative and proactive approach to recruit Black students – address campus culture and environment prior to their arrival to ensure that their experiences mirror your institutions' mission and values.
  • Recognize the continuous impact to Black students on campus and allow safe opportunities for them to express themselves – avoid silencing their voices, continued marginalization, low retention, and an increase disapproval ratings.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018 - 11:00am to 12:30pm
Dr. Ryan C. Holmes
Maximum Enrollment: 

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