May 2019 Newsletter

New Beginnings

May Don't Forget to BreatheIt’s May!  The sun and flowers have come out and soon another cohort of students will walk across the stage and onwards to new and exciting things. It’s hard to not join in the feeling of accomplishment and new beginnings as the academic year draws to a close.  Take a moment to congratulate yourself on all you have accomplished this year to contribute to the success of the Class of 2019!

The final weeks of the semester are stressful for students, faculty, and staff alike.  Be sure to make time for taking care of yourself by taking a short walk around campusdoing some simple stretches at your desk, or just taking a few minutes to relax.  

After taking the opportunity to rest and recharge, the quiet summer break is a great time to catch-up on projects that may have been put to the side and think about goals and projects we would like to focus on in the upcoming year.  Is there an area in your life or work that you would like to improve? Not sure where to begin? Use a wellness wheel or goal planning tool to help you identify and set reasonable goals.  Are you a list maker?  Try joining or creating a challenge list such as a ’52 Things in 52 Weeks’ to banish procrastination and make it fun. Even better, make a list with friends and co-workers and add a little friendly competition to your to-do list! Be sure to plan rewards for your accomplishments.

Is learning a new skill one of your goals?  There are plenty of resources on campus to assist you.  Explore our newsletter archive, sign up for a class or check out a book on CSULearn, attend a workshop in June and July with L4HSU, or visit Center for Teaching and Learning and review the Teaching and Learning Tips.  Do you have a skill that you would like to share with the rest of campus?  Submit a proposal for a L4HSU session by Friday, May 24th.

Featured Tech Skills Course

Tech Skills

Data Visualization: Essentials

It is becoming more common to present data in a visual way to engage audiences with what the data is saying. To ensure the audiences understand what is being presented, effective data visualizations need to be created, and this all starts with knowing who your audience is and what your data is all about. In this course, you'll learn the essentials of creating great data visualizations and how to use different forms of data visualizations.

Course time: 1 hour 45 minutes


May the 4th

The University of Western Australia celebration of Star Wars Day


 Performance Evaluations Due at HR on May 31, 2019

Performance Evaluations

As a reminder, the current staff annual evaluation period ends on May 1, 2019. All staff evaluations are due to Human Resources by May 31, 2019. It is important to review the procedural obligations outlined in the appropriate staff Collective Bargaining Agreements. The CBA articles are attached to each of the associated Unit evaluations as a reference. Unit evaluations are available through the following link:

For questions regarding the performance evaluation process, collective bargaining agreement provisions, etc, please contact Scott Kasper, PsyD in Human Resources at 826-5174 or


From CSU's Got Talent Archive

Managing Student Employees

presented by Beverly Delker Gentry, MBA, CSU Chico

Learn how to prepare students to be successful employees in your department. This webcast will share techniques for proactive supervision by: setting expectations, explaining the requirements of university employment, documenting schedules, coordinating workload, managing performance, and connecting students to important campus resources.

Launch Webcast Recording

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Using Performance Appraisals to Advance Your Career

Employees often don't recognize the opportunities they can harness from their performance appraisals. In this course, you'll discover the value of learning how to manage the performance appraisal process on a year-round basis, and you'll be given tips for using formal and informal performance appraisals to your best advantage. This course also outlines how to implement the periodic appraisal strategy to move your career forward, and ways to recognize and use constructive criticism to improve your chances of success.

Course time: 30 minutes


Tips for Leading and Serving on a Search Committee


One of the hallmarks of being a higher education professional is leading and serving on hiring committees. While this work is important to university life, how do you decide if you should serve on a hiring committee? What should your strategy be on selecting members to serve on a hiring committee when you are leading a search?

Dr. Ramon Goings believes that there are some things to consider when being asked to serve on a hiring committee:

  • Be prepared for a significant time commitment
  • Establish a diverse hiring committee
  • Ensure positions are advertised widely
  • Ensure the search process is ethical

Read the Full Article on Interfolio

For more information about HSU Recruiting, check out the Human Resources and Academic Personnel Services' Recruitment page.


On the Bookshelf


Communicating Across Cultures

By: Stella Ting-Toomey

From high-level business negotiations to casual conversations among friends, every interpersonal interaction is shaped by cultural norms and expectations. Seldom is this more clearly brought to light than in encounters between people from diverse cultural backgrounds, when dissimilar communication practices may lead to frustration and misunderstanding.

Throughout, helpful tables, charts, and recommendations for translating concepts into practice enhance the utility of the text

Find it at the HSU Library

CSU's Got Talent

Working With Difficult People

“Working With Difficult People: Handling Types of Problem People Without Losing Your Mind”, May 14 @ 10:00 AM

Presented by Amy Cooper HakimAuthor & industrial-organizational psychology practitioner and workplace expert

Register Here

Appointment & Separation Documents Submission Reminder

Appointment and Separation Documents

Remember to submit all Appointment and Separation Documents several weeks prior to the effective date to ensure timely processing.

Are you hiring a new employee? Here are some helpful resources:

If you need assistance or have questions, please call 826.3626 or email


Upcoming Classes

Mar 27 2025 - 12:15pm to 12:45pm
Mar 28 2025 - 8:00am to 8:30am
Mar 28 2025 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

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Ten Ways To Spot A Truly Exceptional Employee

A recent international study surveyed more than 500 business leaders and asked them what sets great employees apart. The researchers wanted to know why some people are more successful than others at work, and the answers were surprising; leaders chose “personality” as the leading reason.

Read the Full Article

Tech Tips

CSU Learn Resource Library

CSU Learn has an extensive library of courses, books, and videos organized by topics that you can access for free.

To see the resources of a specific topic:

  1. Click the Library Icon Library Icon at the top of the CSU Learn page  
  2. On the right menu that just opened, click the arrows to the right of the topics to see the subtopics
  3. Click a subtopic to see the resources 

Skillshops @ the Library