August 2021 Newsletter

New School Year, New Learning Opportunities!

Back to SchoolAs we ramp up for the new school year, the professional development team and our partners are assembling a wide variety of learning opportunities for all Humboldt employees.

  • August 20 is Professional Development Day, sponsored by Academic Affairs and Center for Teaching and Learning. Access this all-day, multi-session experience in-person on campus or virtually. Register here.

  • In September we will be launching a brand-new resource: in collaboration with campuses across the CSU system, Humboldt employees will have access to learning opportunities offered by more than a dozen CSU campuses. This means new instructors, engaging with peers from across the CSU system, and high-quality learning!

  • In addition, we will be offering learning opportunities facilitated by Humboldt colleagues throughout the semester, such as Principles of Supervision (a 7-part series), leading people-centered change, expanding collaboration, personal well being, and much more. Keep an eye on our training calendar!

Should you have any questions about these learning opportunities, please contact Nancy Olson. We look forward to working with you in this new school year!


Featured Tech Skills Course

Tech Skills

Working Virtually (Team Management)

As the conditions are in continuous change, we may still work,from home.  This is a CSU Learn Bundle that will teach us how to manage communications, face challenges, and establish effective virtual teams.

Course time: varies


CSUBUY Invoice and Direct Payment Process Basics


The NOLIJ payment process is going away and the new process will eventually run entirely within CSUBUY. This is the first session as the CSU-wide project gets underway. We will cover the basic process and walk through where to send payment requests, how to approve requests, and how to view and track documents in the CSUBUY platform.

Register Here

Start With Why -- How Great Leaders Inspire Action


Compliance Courses on CSU Learn


We are past half of the year and would like to remind everyone to take your mandatory compliance training as prescribed by Executive Order 1096 and CA Gov. Code, §12950.1.

Depending on your role, you are required to complete and are assigned one of the following CSULearn DHR/TIX courses:

  • Supervisory employees must complete 2 hours of training once every two years (i.e. the CSULearn course Supervisor: Anti-Harassment, Discrimination).
    Non-supervisory employees must complete 1 hour of training annually (i.e. the CSULearn course Preventing Discrimination and Harassment for Non-Supervisors.
  • Gender Equity and Title IX
  • Conflict of Interest (COI) designated employees and/or Principal Investigators (Gov Code, §81000, et seq.) must take an ethics training (Conflict of Interest) every two years or within six months.

Please don’t wait! HR is here to assist those who have questions or need assistance.

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Building Teams

This bundle of team-building resources in CSU Learn includes learning opportunities to build skills in collaboration, communication, conflict management, and other tools to help you strengthen your team!

Course time:  varies


Change Management – Prosci ADKAR Basics

Change Management

Change at an institutional, department or even individual level is more than the business side of planning. Every bit as important is the people side of change. Prosci's ADKAR Model is designed to guide change based, fundamentally, on how we as human beings experience change. 

Register Here

 On the Bookshelf


Predictably Irrational : the Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions

by Dan Ariely

Why do smart people make irrational decisions every day? The answers will surprise you. This book is a look at why we all make illogical decisions. Why can a 50-cent aspirin do what a penny aspirin can't? If an item is "free" it must be a bargain, right? Why is everything relative, even when it shouldn't be? How do our expectations influence our actual opinions and decisions?

Find the Book in the Library

To Tell Transformative Stories, Learn to Live, Learn & Let Go


Angela was excited to start her new role as director of talent development. Her team was excited, as well. But one comment by a direct report during the interview process stood out to Angela: “We need vision and leadership around here. We haven’t had that for a long time.” Angela noted the comment and couldn’t help wondering whether it foreshadowed challenges to come.

Article featured in Learning Solutions.

Read the Full Article

Fall 2021 Professional Development Day

Cultivating Sustainable and Thriving Academic Programs

Professional Day

Please join us for HSU's Fall 2021 Professional Development Day. This event brings colleagues from across the campus in sessions that explore a wide range of significant topics defining us as HSU. The opening and closing sessions will be held in Nelson Hall East Goodwin Forum and the breakout sessions will be in Siemens Hall. Come as you are able: on campus or virtually. Zoom links will be added as the event draws near.

Learn More

Upcoming Classes

Mar 13 2025 - 12:15pm to 12:45pm
Mar 14 2025 - 8:00am to 8:30am
Mar 18 2025 - 2:15pm to 2:45pm

Returning to Work Soon? Here Are Some Ways to Make the Process Easier

Return to Work

If you have a return to work date looming over your head, you might be struggling with the thought of having to leave the safety of home to go work in an environment that’s filled with so many uncertainties. Fortunately, psychologist Susan Albers, PsyD, has some helpful tips for making the transition back to work during the pandemic less stressful.

Article featured in Cleveland Clinic

Read the Full Article

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Tech Tips

How to Add Captions to Facebook Videos

Adding captions or subtitles to Facebook videos not only ensures that your videos are more accessible, but is also a useful way to make sure your videos can be understood with the sound off.

Learn How To

Skillshops @ the Library