September 2024 Newsletter

Welcome Back!

welcome fallIt is Autumn again, and everyone is happy to be at school again, or for the first time.

This fall we have a bunch of courses available from our Cross Campus Collaboration partners. Every week this month, there is something for everyone.  Be sure to review the courses below.

CSU Learn has more than 70 new courses that use AI to simulate interactions between you and an artificial "person".  There are many scenarios that range from ethics to business, leadership to team building, and much more.  We are highlighting two of these courses, Managing the Responsible Use of AI and Change Management.  Try this technology in CSU Learn and let us know what you think.

Also this fall, the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is hosting a series of very interesting workshops.  The first one will be lead by Dr. Chela Chomicki.  This workshop is designed to align with our ongoing efforts in developing the Institutional Anti-Racism Action Plan and advancing the objectives of the Black Student Excellence initiative.

Featured Tech Skills Course

Tech Skills

Managing the Responsible Use of AI

As more and more workforces try to leverage the power of artificial intelligence (AI), it is crucial for organizations to establish clear communication and strategic planning when integrating AI into daily work. In this scenario, you are the IT director discussing the potential use of AI with one of the team managers within the company. Your company has approved the use of AI for improving productivity and efficiency, but you need to ensure that privacy and security guidelines are being followed. Exploring ways in which teams can use AI in a responsible manner that is in accordance with company policies is an important step when embracing any new technology.


Onboarding and Offboarding Employees - Keys to Continuity

Employee Onboarding

The beginning and the end of an employee's experience are critical to the success not only of the employee, but to the entire team. Learn the basics of effectively onboarding new and reassigned employees, as well as offboarding departing employees. Practical tools will be shared! 

Register Here

Cultivating Empathy: An Economist's Approach

Empathy is a Superpower

Participants will have an opportunity to step back and consider the assumptions we may be making, often unconsciously, about others, and how those assumptions might manifest in our interactions, policies and practices. We will then discuss how cost-benefit can be used to disrupt that bias, to get in between our immediate internal responses and our external behaviors and provide an alternative to the automatic reactions we may otherwise have when our biases take over.

Register Here

Conflict Transformation Overview


In this session, you will have the opportunity for staff and managers to learn and acquire a new lens on conflict. Learning outcomes/objectives:
- Define and understand conflict.
- Explain the five steps of the conflict cycle.

Register Here

Leading with Mentor Culture


Attend this interactive workshop with Dr. Erica Aros, who researched the value of professional mentorship in higher education, and bring a culture of mentorship to your campus that honors the layers of culture and identities of those we see great potential in.

Register Here

Facilitating Challenging Conversations series: Preparing Yourself for Challenging Conversations (part 1 of 3)

Difficult Conversations picture

When conversations become confrontations, missteps and misunderstandings can make things even worse. It is natural for individuals to become anxious in these situations but a strong awareness of our own biases and emotional triggers can help us respond more effectively. In this workshop, participants will be invited to engage in self-reflection (both during and after the workshop) in order to prepare to handle these conversations with compassion and equanimity.

Register Here

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Change Management

As AI begins to play a more and more significant role, the importance of adapting and embracing new technologies to maintain a competitive edge is at the forefront of many leaders' minds. But as with all kinds of change initiatives, leading a team through the change requires careful planning and consideration. In this Leader Lab, you will meet with a team member to share your vision, brainstorm ideas for how to integrate AI, identify challenges, and create a plan to manage the change process.


Dr. Chela Black Excellence Speakers Series Professional Development

Dr. Chela Chomicki

Dr. Chela will be leading a DEI-focused professional development workshop designed to align with our ongoing efforts in developing the Institutional Anti-Racism Action Plan and advancing the objectives of the Black Student Excellence initiative.

More Info

Weekly Dose of Mindfulness

mind body soul

Weekly Dose of Mindfulness is an opportunity for all CSU community members to experience guided mindfulness practices with a trained facilitator. 

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Managing Multiple Priorities


How do you manage when you have a number of priorities that require your attention? Do you end the day feeling frustrated or overwhelmed because you were not able to complete your tasks?

Content includes:
• Planning your day
• Prioritizing tasks
• Organization tips
• Managing workload stress

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AI in Your Resume


Join us to understand the use of AI in the modern job market. Learn how to use AI tools to generate tailored resumes that highlight your skills and experience effectively for your job or internship search.

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Building Bridges for Authentic Communication with Psychological Safety

Communication Bubbles

Dive into the transformative world of psychological safety and discover strategies and techniques to foster an environment of trust, openness, and growth. Through engaging breakouts and hands-on activities, you'll uncover the strategies to building stronger relationships, and fostering collaboration. This course equips you with the foundational tools to create a supportive space where everyone can feel heard, valued, and empowered to be their best selves.

Register Here

CSU's Got Talent


"Procrastination - What It Is, Why We Do It, and What You Can Do About It" September 18 from 10:00 - 11:00 PM

Register Here

Upcoming Classes

Sep 12 2024 - 12:15pm to 12:45pm
Sep 13 2024 - 8:00am to 8:30am
Sep 13 2024 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Sep 17 2024 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Excel Tips and Tricks

excel spreadsheet

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned Excel user, these tips and tricks can help to save time and make the most of your Excel experience. From shortcuts and formula basics to Pivot Tables, there is something for everyone in this session.

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Living to Work, Working to Live

exhausted woman

We need to let go of the desire to achieve a perfect balance between work and family. In most cases, it is impossible and only causes more stress and guilt.

However, there are things we can do to bridge the gap that exists between the two. Content includes: 
-What is life balance? 
-Identifying values 
-Barriers to life balance 
-Goal setting 
-Tips for life balance

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Design Studio: A Blueprint for Workplace Trainings

Are you tasked with creating a training that needs to be practical? Join our workshop to discover the Backward Design approach, a proven instructional design method. This session will guide you in the planning phase of developing workplace trainings with tangible results. Optional: Bring a past or future training topic to use in our hands-on activities.

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Atomic Habits: Becoming the Architect of Your Life

Life is a Journey

In this workshop we will reflect on key guidance from the bestselling book, Atomic Habits by James Clear. The book provides practical, clear, and actionable strategies for creating systems that will aid you in breaking bad habits and in developing lasting desired habits with resilience. Use the advice from this book to jump start your own positive habit formation and become the architect of your life!

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Learning Tips

Audiobook: Courage, Clarity, and Confidence: Redefine Success and the Way You Work

The author shares her experiences and anecdotes from clients to demonstrate what is possible for women when they ditch the traditional patriarchal job search and career advancement methodologies that only benefit men. She also provides thought-provoking exercises throughout the book, designed to equip you with how to build a future for yourself with courage, clarity, and confidence.

Listen to the Audiobook in CSU Learn

Skillshops @ the Library

Upcoming Skillshops: