May 2022 Newsletter

CHRS Recruiting Live!

Recruitment SearchThis month marks the launch of Cal Poly Humboldt’s new recruitment system called CHRS Recruiting.

Our recruiting team will be working with each of you as you transition into using this new system for the specific role you play in the recruitment process. We’re providing just-in-time training and labs to provide you the support needed to be successful from the initial requisition to the fulfillment of the position as we embark on this journey together.

We believe this will be a phenomenal step toward improving the ease and efficiency of our recruitment processes.

  • As of April 29, 2022, no jobs will be posted in Interfolio.
  • Recruitments already open in Interfolio will continue.
  • Recruitments still open in Fall 2022 will either be closed or moved over to CHRS Recruiting.

Please see the CHRS Recruiting webpage for more information and to access interactive courses, user guides and job aids.

Take our new interactive simulation courses in the Interactive Course Bundle

  • Recruitment Committee Briefing
  • Reviewing Applicants
  • Creating a Job Card
  • Job and Offer Approvals

Virtual Office Hours

These Virtual Office Hours are intended to provide assistance with the various functions in the new system.

Join us in our Virtual Office Hours Monday-Friday (Daily) 9am-12pm. 
Open Zoom Labs:
Meeting ID: 837 8221 6163    Passcode: 221710

Please note, when you log into the Zoom session you will be placed in a waiting room until a member of the CHRS Recruiting team is available to assist you.

Email Help

  • If you are not able to attend a Zoom Open Lab or would prefer to get assistance via email, contact the CHRS Recruiting support team at
  • If you have questions about training, documentation, the information on the web, or other general questions about the project, please email

Featured Tech Skills Course

Tech Skills

Pocket for Web: Storing & Sharing Articles

Pocket lets you save an article or web page to read offline at a later time. Explore Pocket, and discover how to create and manage an account; save, read, mark, tag, and share articles; and customize your Pocket web app settings.

Course time: 55 minutes


The Value of Making Values Valuable for You and Your Team


Values are basic fundamental beliefs that guide our attitudes and actions. Understanding and communicating our values effectively are the foundation of successful relationships and organizations. In this workshop, participants will develop a set of core personal values as well as an action plan to utilize those values to communicate effectively, resolve conflict, and build teams.

Register Here

How to Summarize Assessment Data for Your Annual Report

Assessment Check Evaluation

This workshop focuses on assessment for co-curricular and operational units. We will walk through the process of what is required for the annual assessment report. We will also look at report templates and talk about how to report quantitative and qualitative data. It’s assessment reporting season, so bring your questions!

Register Here

5 Fun & Easy Summer Activities For Kids

23 Actually Helpful Tips for Planning a Stress-Free Vacation

Summer Vibes
Get your planning cap on straight, and you’ll make the difference between a vacation that is a bit “meh” and one that is outstandingly, remember-my-whole-life brilliant.

Featured article from Flash Pack.

Read the Full Article Here

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Aligning Goals and Priorities to Manage Time

Too much to do and too little time? Everything is urgent? Modern technology means our employers can reach us 24/7, so schedule management and goal setting are more important than ever. When you're under pressure to deliver, you need to know your priorities. Meeting targets and achieving goals consistently regardless of the business situation isn't easy. And this means managing your time effectively. In this course, you'll learn about aligning each goal with your employer's expectations, clarifying your goals, and prioritizing your most important work. You'll also learn how to ask questions to clarify goals, and how to establish and schedule priorities based on these goals.

Course time:  25 minutes


Decisions, Decisions! Creative Problem Solving and Decision-Making Techniques

Decisions Plan AB
In this workshop you will learn and apply creative thinking techniques to problems, learn and practice a method of Problem Solving which can be applied to nearly any situation, and learn four styles of effective Decision Making and match them to appropriate situations.

Register Here

 On the Bookshelf


The Hidden Brain: How our unconscious minds elect presidents, control markets, wage wars, and save our lives

by Shankar Vedantam

In a series of compulsively readable narratives, Shankar Vedantam journeys through the latest discoveries in neuroscience, psychology, and behavioral science to uncover the darkest corner of our minds and its decisive impact on the choices we make as individuals and as a society. Filled with fascinating characters, dramatic storytelling, and cutting-edge science, this is an engrossing exploration of the secrets our brains keep from us—and how they are revealed.

Find the Book at the Cal Poly Humboldt Library

Infographics with Adobe Express

Check out our brand-new ⚡ Lightning Learning ⚡ courses on the Education Exchange

Are you looking for new and exciting ways to present complex information in your classroom? In this 30-minute, self-paced Lightning Learning course, you’ll discover how to present research, data, and new topics with infographics.

Enroll for Free Here

CSU's Got Talent

Eliminating Microaggressions

"Eliminating Microaggressions: The Next Level of Inclusion" May 24 from 10:00 - 11:00 AM PT


Register the Day of the Webinar

Positive Psychology

Join this engaging and interactive learning experience on how positive psychology can lead to personal and professional success. We will explore the happiness advantage principles that can help shift our mindset through positive psychology.

Register Here

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What Is Toxic Productivity? And 5 Tips To Overcome It

Trello Overworked

If you find yourself constantly busy, stressed, and unable to “turn off,” you’re not alone. Workaholism or “going the extra mile” no matter the cost risks your wellbeing, both physical and mental, along with missed social events or ignoring your own sleep, exercise, or health. Work’s always-on, always-available hustle culture can result in toxic productivity, defined as overworking at the expense of other facets of your life.

This toxic mindset can be difficult to spot because overwork is often cast in a positive light. Fortunately, once you do recognize it, you can take some concrete steps to shift away from toxic productivity and reclaim your life.

Featured article from Trello

Read the Full Article Here

Tech Tips

How to scan documents on your iPhone or iPad

Have you ever been in a situation where you said "I wish I had a scanner to make this document a pdf"?  If you have an iphone or an ipad, you are in luck!  Follow the simple steps in the article to scan a document, and sign it if you need to.

Read the Article in Apple

Skillshops @ the Library
