January 2024 Newsletter

Discover New Courses All Year Long

Better Business WritingJanuary is a month where we make resolutions, where we decide what we are going to accomplish in a year.  Why not make one of those resolutions to learn something new every month?  Cal Poly Humboldt and the Chancellor's Office has many options for you to accomplish that resolution.  CSU's Got Talent is a series of live webcasts featuring innovative and essentioal training for your professional and personal success.  Lasting an hour each month, every webinar will feature interesting topics that include teamwork, AI, work and personal relationships, innovation, commuinication, and many more.  Besides learning, you will have the chance to interact with staff and faculty from all CSU campuses, which is a great opportinity in itself.

Click here to see a list of the previous recordings.  Currently there are more than 80 recordings that you can choose from.

One that I personally like, is CSU's Got Talent Video: Better Business Writing.  Whether you are writing formal business documents, research papers, email messages, or social media posts,  this course will help you write with as much power and persuasion as possible. Effective business writing is key to career advancement and organizational success. This session is designed for those seeking real and immediate improvement in their business writing. In this webcast learn strategies and secrets of writing clear, compelling, correct business documents.

This year we have 10 webinars scheduled;  you can see all the topics below.

Click here to register to one or all

Featured Tech Skills Course

Tech Skills

Creating, Joining & Managing Meetings in Zoom Desktop

In this 10-video course, learners will discover how to use Zoom's different features to easily set up and hold meetings from home. Begin by discovering how to sign in and out of the application and explore the interface. This leads into learning how to create meetings, invite people, and examine the meeting features, along with scheduling, viewing, and managing meetings. Next, learn how to install the Outlook plug-in and schedule meetings using the application; examine different ways to join a meeting, and manage participants; and study audio and video options, and the view mode. Learners will also discover how to share and annotate a screen as well as how to send and receive files; how to record, manage, and configure a meeting; how to send and receive messages; and how to save a chat.


Al Tools, Ethics & Challenges

ai tools

Al Tools, Ethics & Challenges - How I Leverage Technology to Boost Productivity

February 13, 2024 - 10 AM

Register Here

Teamwork Across Generations

teamwork across generations

Teamwork Across Generations - Navigating Communication Divides in the Modem Workplace

March 13, 2024 - 10 AM

Register Here

Relationship Intelligence

relationship intelligence

Relationship Intelligence - How Relationships Really Work and Why Your Future Depends on Your RQ

April 16, 2024 - 10 AM

Register Here

Top 100 Useless Movie Facts You Don't Need to Know

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Understanding Approaches to Social Media Communication

Social media is one of the most vital technologies companies can use to attract, connect with, and retain customers. If you want to meet customers where they are, that's the place to be. In this course, you'll learn why social media is such an important tool of persuasion for businesses. You'll explore how companies use social media today as a key component of a persuasive communication strategy. You'll also learn how to analyze your organization's social media channels and marketing strategies to strengthen and maintain your relationship with your customers.


Society Strategy Self

society strategy self

Society Strategy Self - Your Impact on the Future of Work

May 14, 10 AM

Register Here

The Burnout Epidemic

the burnout epidemic

The Burnout Epidemic - A Candid Conversation about Balancing Wellbeing and Performance

June 18, 2024 - 10 AM

Register Here



Micro-affirmations - Nurturing a Culture of Care through Small but Powerful Gestures

July 16, 2024 - 10 AM

Register Here

8 Ways to Cultivate the Habit of Learning

Remote Learning

The best part about learning new things is gaining a broader perspective. With this comes several other benefits, like:

  • Empathizing with a wider range of people to enjoy deeper relationships
  • Having a more flexible and well-rounded worldview to be more open-minded and understanding regarding other people and cultures
  • Learning more about yourself, like your values, what motivates you, and what hobbies you enjoy
  • Excelling professionally as you gain transferable skills such as task prioritization and time management

From the Allaya Cooks-Campbell article at BetterUp

Read the Full Article

CSU's Got Talent

magic words

"Magic Words - What to Say to Get Your Way" January 16 from 10:00 - 11:00 PM

Register Here

Upcoming Classes



Procrastination - What It Is, Why We Do It, and What You Can Do About It

September 18, 2024 - 10 AM

Register Here

Frugal Innovation

frugal innovation

Frugal Innovation - Co-building a Better World with Less

October 16, 2024 - 10 AM

Register Here

Outsmarting Importing Syndrome

outsmarting impostor syndrome

Outsmarting Importing Syndrome - How to Own Your Zone of Brilliance with More Confidence and Less Stress

November 13, 2024 - 10 AM

Register Here

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Tech Tips

Online Skillshops

The Library has many Skillshops that you can take online at your own pace.  This is another opportinity to learn something new this year.

Click here to see the llist of courses

Skillshops @ the Library

Upcoming Skillshops: