CSU's Got Talent Webcast Training - Business Writing in the Age of AI

Systemwide Professional Development presents CSU's GOT TALENT, live webcasts featuring innovative & essential training for your professional and personal success!
Business Writing in the Age of AI: Risks and Rules for AI Tools
Tempted to try AI to enhance your business writing? Whether you’re writing formal business documents, research papers, letters, email messages, or social media posts, business writing can be painful and time-consuming. Writers increasingly turn to AI to speed the process, generate content, and enhance communications. When it comes to business writing, artificial intelligence works best when combined with human intelligence. In other words, consider risks and establish rules before adopting AI tools. This session is designed for those seeking to enhance their business writing with the help of AI. Writing Coach Nancy Flynn will share the pros & cons and dos & don’ts of AI writing tools. You’ll leave with a strategy for creating clear, compelling, correct business documents—with a hand from AI.
Presented by Nancy Flynn
Founder of Nancy Flynn Public Relations, Inc. and its Business Writing Institute™, ePolicy Institute™, and Marijuana Policy Institute™ divisions, Nancy Flynn is a recognized expert in traditional and electronic communication. The author of 13 books published in six languages, her titles include Writing Effective E-Mail, The ePolicy Toolkit, and The Social Media Handbook. An in-demand writers’ trainer, writing coach, and business writer, Nancy Flynn helps clients worldwide improve their writing. An authority on e-policy and compliance, she is an expert witness for the government and law firms in litigation related to policy and the web. A go-to media source, she often is in the news. Nancy Flynn has served as an adjunct faculty member at The Ohio State University, teaching business and technical writing to graduate and undergraduate students. Popular with CSU audiences, this is Nancy Flynn’s fifth CSU’s Got Talent appearance.
All CSU staff and faculty are invited to attend this free webcast training!
Watch the recordings here: CSU Learn
Search: CSU’s Got Talent (click View All to see all of the episodes)
Technical questions: Contact Madeline Hsiao, Associate Production Director, at mhsiao@calstate.edu or 562-951-4525 prior to webcast day.
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