CSU's Got Talent: Managing Up Webinar Viewing

Managing Up

Join the Humboldt community to view and discuss this webinar with author Mary Abbajay, titled Managing Up: How to Move Up, Win at Work, and Succeed with Any Kind of Boss. We will watch the webinar together, and then open it up for questions and conversation. This live webinar is part of the CSU's Got Talent series. The community viewing and discussion is hosted by Humboldt's HR team.

Managing Up is your guide to the most valuable 'soft skill' your career has ever seen. It's not about sucking up or brown-nosing; it's about figuring out who you are, who your boss is, and finding where you meet. Learn about building real relationships with people who have influence over your career. In this session, best-selling author, Mary Abbajay delivers strategies for developing these all-important connections and building more than rapport. You become able to quickly assess situations, and determine which actions will move you forward; you become your own talent manager, and your boss's top choice for that new opportunity. As a skill, managing up can do more for your career than simply 'networking' ever could.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019 - 10:00am to 11:30am
Mary Abbajay & Humboldt Human Resources Staff
Maximum Enrollment: 

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