August 2019 Newsletter

Keep Calm and Breathe

Mind Full or Mindful?All 1,200+ of us who work at Humboldt feel the excitement and energy of the new school year – and very likely some stress and uncertainty. 

This month, our newsletter is focused on helping you manage stress and stay mindful in the busy-ness of this new school year. To start, here are a few simple tips:

Communicate if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes we need to slow down, think and talk through what we’re facing. When we put feelings into words, it helps “hit the brakes” on our emotional responses.

Be kind to others. A recent study in Spain revealed employees who perform acts of kindness toward their colleagues experience not only increased happiness, but also an increase in life satisfaction and job satisfaction.

Breathe. Taking just a few minutes to stop what we’re doing, close our eyes and focus on our breath can lower our heart rate, calm our mind and support clearer thought.

Read on about our upcoming Internal Dynamics of Leadership class, Professional Development Day and other resources to support you throughout the new school year!

Featured Tech Course

Tech Skills

Building Your Presentation

For a presentation to be effective, it needs to have a sound structure. To ensure that your presentation has this structure, you should transform your ideas about its purpose, audience, and key points into notes and aids that will guide you. In this course, you'll learn how to write the key parts of a presentation so they're memorable and effective. You'll also learn how to select and use presentation and visual aids. Finally, you'll learn how to rehearse your presentation – a key step in building confidence for the real thing.

Course time: 30 minutes


Fall 2019 Professional Development Day

Professional Day

Belonging @ Hills, Stairs, and Umbrellas

Join colleagues in meaningful dialogues and development that inspires our work in support of students. Breakfast will be provided.

Fall 2019 Professional Development Day is an opportunity for faculty and staff to come together for professional development that inspires, builds community, and offers equitable and inclusive learning opportunities to integrate into practice in the coming year.

Schedule of Events

  • 8:30 - 9:00 Breakfast Social
  • 9:00 - 9: 10 Introduction
  • 9: 10 - 10:00 10-minute talks: "My Story of Growth and Belonging"
  • 10:00 - 11:00 Facilitated discussion tables
  • 11:00 - 11:30 Actions & commitments board sharing

 Register Here for PD Day

Jeremy Hunter on Mindfulness and Leadership

Contribute to Our Newsletter

Contribute to Our Newsletter

We want your contributions!

If you have a Professional Development article or video to share, please send it to

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Managing Pressure and Stress to Optimize Your Performance

Meeting the challenge of high-pressure situations is a different experience for everyone. You won't always be able to control the external events that lead to pressure, but you can control your reaction, develop a solution, and implement it. In this course, you'll learn about the triggers of stress and how stress can affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally. You'll explore mechanisms for handling pressure and stress in the workplace in order to optimize performance. You'll also learn the ways in which people who possess different work-style types deal with pressure, and finally, you'll learn how to deal with stressed colleagues.

Course time: 26 minutes


On the Bookshelf


The Art of Happiness at Work

By: Dalai Lama

Over the past several years, Howard Cutler has continued his conversations with the Dalai Lama, asking him the questions we all want answered about how to find happiness in the place we spend most of our time. Work-whether it's in the home or at an office-is what mostly runs our lives. We depend on it to eat, to clothe and shelter ourselves, and to take care of our families. Once again, Dr. Cutler brings forward seminal studies and asks the Dalai Lama to respond. Beginning with a direct correlation between productivity and happiness, Dr. Cutler questions His Holiness about the nature of work. In psychiatry and according to the Dalai Lama, our motivation for working determines our level of satisfaction.

Find the Book at the HSU Library

Internal Dynamics of Leadership Workshop

Internal Dynamics of Leadership
Peter Drucker said, "You cannot manage other people unless you manage yourself first." In this session we will explore fear and reactivity, and gain easy-to-use tools to better manage ourselves in an uncertain world. (Note: this is not only for those in leadership positions!)

Join Nancy Olson, Training Specialist, on Tuesday, August 6, 2019 @ 11:00am in Library Room 317

Register Here

Legal Webcast Training

peeling back the layers of legal holds

"Lawyers Tell All: Peeling Back the Layers of Legal Holds", August 13 @ 10:00 AM

Presented by Susan Westover & Katherine Winder

Register the Day of the Webinar

 Employee Onboarding Workshop

Employee Onboarding
New employees at HSU benefit greatly when their onboarding experience is well-managed and meaningful. Research shows employees who are onboarded with intention and thoroughness are 58% more likely to stay in their jobs more than three years. This course will equip anyone with employee onboarding responsibilities with clear guidelines and best practices for onboarding new employees.

Join Denise Giltzow and Nancy Olson on Thursday, August 8, 2019 @ 10:00am in the Library Fishbowl.

Register Here

All It Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes

Upcoming Classes

Mar 14 2025 - 8:00am to 8:30am
Mar 18 2025 - 2:15pm to 2:45pm
Mar 19 2025 - 10:00am to 11:00am
Mar 20 2025 - 12:15pm to 12:45pm

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Tech Tips

Making Your Mail Merge Intelligent

Have you ever wondered how to automatically insert "Mr". or "Ms." or "his" or "her" to a merged document without doing it manually?  There is a simple solution to accomplish this: Using IF fields, or conditionals. 

Please review this article that shows how to insert the simple code to your documents before merging them.

Read the Article

L4HSU @ the Library