November 2018 Newsletter

Employee and Student Safety - Health Awareness Month

Health and SafetyThis month we are celebrating Health Awareness and Driver Safety month.

Certain months are designated for health awareness to shed light on research and prevention efforts associated with specific diseases, with the ultimate goal of finding a cure and saving lives. Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October is probably the most well-known, with pink ribbons and survivor and fundraising events almost as common in our fall culture as falling leaves and Halloween decorations. November is designated as an awareness month for a wide variety of conditions that include Alzheimer's Disease, COPD, Diabetes, and Lung Cancer. The below link will take you to a comprehensive list of all Health Awareness areas for the month of November, with each entry containing a further link to inform you about what you can do to stay healthy and support efforts to fight these diseases.

The upcoming November break marks the start of the winter driving season – a time when more cars are added to already crowded roads, with their occupants driving long distances to gather with family and friends during varied holiday events.  In situations like these, drivers are often more concerned with the destination than the drive, and can overlook critical safety factors.  

Be mindful of the following “Do’s” and “Don’ts” regarding holiday vehicle travel:

Take care of yourself and your passengers by reviewing and implementing the following driver safety tips as you embark on holiday travel
  • Ensure your vehicle is properly maintained. If maintenance is not up to date, have your car and tires inspected before you take a long drive.
  • Map your route in advance and be prepared for busy roads during the most popular times of the year. 
  • Leave early to mitigate heavy traffic, and alleviate the need to feel rushed to reach your destination.
  • Drive at or under the speed limit to reduce the risk of an accident and to avoid being caught in an expensive seasonal speed trap.
  • Secure your home and vehicle by double checking locks and keeping valuables out of plain sight.
  • Be prepared for emergencies – travel with a fully-stocked emergency roadside kit, warm clothes, and water.  Keep a cell phone and charger with you at all times
Do Not:
  • Drive when you are distracted – Keep eyes and hands off of cell phones when driving
  • Drive when you are impaired – Alcohol is a factor in one-third of all traffic related fatalities 
  • Drive when you are fatigued – Get at least 8 hours of sleep prior to long trips and take 15 minute breaks every two hours to remain alert

Featured Tech Course

Google Gmail for Web: Customizing Gmail

Discover how you can customize your Gmail to fit your needs. Learn to add and manage tasks, configure your inbox and email display, and automate forwarding and delegation.

  • adding tasks
  • using multiple task lists
  • configuring your inbos
  • customizing your email display
  • customizing your account theme
  • adding lab functionalities
  • enabling access from another email client
  • singing into multiple accounts at once
  • setting up email forwarding

Course time: 53 minutes

November 23rd: National Day of Listening

Sponsored by oral history nonprofit StoryCorps, this year’s National Day of Listening honors teachers. The organization has asked everyone wanting to participate to take a few minutes to thank a teacher (or two). Other ways to commemorate National Day of Listening is by recording interviews in veteran’s hospitals, senior centers, homeless shelters, and other community centers.

StoryCorps Featured Video

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Featured Soft Skills Course

Listening Even When it's Difficult to Listen

Successful people are generally trained, excellent listeners. In this course, you'll learn common misconceptions about listening, how to hone your listening skills, and what to do when you encounter roadblocks to listening.

  • identify common misconceptions about listening
  • recognize how to use tools to be an effective listener
  • identify how to remove distractions that interfere with effective listening
  • classify the types of thoughts and emotions that can jeopardize effective listening
  • recognize how to avoid conversation-killing statements that listeners say
  • identify techniques for listening effectively despite boredom
  • use techniques to listen effectively and overcome roadblocks to effective listening
  • reflect on what you've learned

Course time: 32 minutes

Veteran’s Dinner

Veterans Appreciation Day

Honoring our Veteran’s

The Human Resources Office is partnering with our HSU Veteran’s Office and the HSU Student Veteran’s Association in recognizing our Veterans and Military-Affiliated Colleague with the Veteran’s Appreciation Dinner on November 9th in the Great Hall. If you would like to attend and participate in honoring our Veteran’s, please RSVP below.

 Employees may contact Dave Hickcox (707) 826-5177 or Scott Kasper (707) 826-5174 for questions.


CSU's Got Talent

Narcissism in the Workplace

“How to Navigate Narcissism in the Workplace”, November 28 from 10:00 - 11:00 AM PT

Learn signs & characteristics of narcissism, and ways you can survive and thrive at work and beyond.

Presented by Dr. Ramani Durvasula

Register Here

Upcoming Classes

Mar 13 2025 - 12:15pm to 12:45pm
Mar 14 2025 - 8:00am to 8:30am
Mar 18 2025 - 2:15pm to 2:45pm

Hunger Awareness Month

Hunger Awareness

Even in the wealthiest communities, there are people who need help with access to healthy food. You have an opportunity to publicly give products, raise funds, or promote the work of your local food pantry.

Oh SNAP! Student Food Programs is a student-driven initiative. Their mission is to increase access to nutritious and culturally appropriate food for all Humboldt State University (HSU) students by engaging in campus and community partnerships and by raising awareness of food insecurity among our peers.

Learn about this month's Oh Snap! Donation Drive on November 3rd from 10 AM to noon here.


Learn to Use Skillport


 Learn how to navigate, find courses, books, and other content on Skillport.

Click Here to Learn


Tech Tips

Trendy Internet Slang Acronyms

The internet can be a confusing place, even for someone who is using it every day.

  1. AMA: Ask Me Anything
  2. DAE: Does Anyone Else?
  3. DM: Direct Message
  4. ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5
  5. Lulz: Laughs ("Just for Laughs")
  6. TIL: Today I Learned
  7. TL;DR: Too Long; Didn't Read
  8. YOLO: You Only Live Once

Skillshops @ the Library