September 2022 Newsletter

New Content on CSU Learn & Cross Campus Collaboration Courses

elearningThis month CSU Learn has updated Skillport courses and functionality.  These updates include:

  • Upgrades in the way users access and share content on CSU Learn
  • Users can share all types of content (including books and audiobooks) 
  • Additional filters are available for ease of locating specific content types 
  • All activities will be searchable via the Learning drop down 
  • All non-compliance activities (include books) will launch in the same browser window 
  • All non-compliance activities can only be completed once for credit (but can be viewed as many times as needed)

Also, there will be many oportunites in the upcoming months to take courses from different campuses.  Many classes that were formerly in-person are now offered virtually. This gives us a unique opportunity to extend campus classes beyond campus borders and offer a new way to share professional development across the CSU! The following campuses have volunteered to participate in a cross-campus collaboration and offer classes exclusively to other participating campuses. 

Bakersfield, Channel Islands, Chico, East Bay, Fresno, Fullerton, Humboldt, Long Beach, Northridge, Pomona, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, San Marcos And Stanislaus

Please check the Upcoming Classes link and you can see below all the courses available.  This is a great opportunity to experience what other campuses are offering and to meet people.  Our campus is participating with the Onboarding and Offboarding Employees - Keys to Continuity course.

Resume 101 Workshop


Learn to write a resume that will stand out and help you move to the next step in the job search process.

Register Here

LifeMatters Services Overview

Humanizing Online Learning
Learn what Cal Poly Humboldt's Employee Assistant Program (EAP), LifeMatters, has to offer and how to access their services. Also learn about situations when LifeMatters may be of assistance to you, such as emotional and physical well-being, planning for the future, parenting tips, and more.

Register Here

The Five Elements of Wellbeing

Mental Health
During this workshop, participants will take the Gallup Wellbeing Index and participate in activities and reflection to help define their levels of Wellbeing in each of the five elements. Time will also be spent on identifying the gaps between current Wellbeing and what the ideal state of thriving Wellbeing is for the five elements.

Register Here

Nurturing Emotional Well-Being

Mind Full or Mindful?
Having a positive outlook on wellbeing affects how we interact in the world. For example, how we manage our relationship with self, relationships with others, communicate, what we think and feel and embrace all of who we are. You will learn tips on how to nurture your emotional wellbeing.

Register Here

How to Design a Good Survey

This workshop will explain best practices for designing a good survey. Some of the topics include question order, branching & skip patterns, required responses, survey tools, and survey administration.

Register Here

Religious Accommodations in the Classroom

This training will cover the requirements for religious accommodation for students. Issues such as absences, dress, and how to respond to a request will be discussed. Hypotheticals for group discussion will be posted.

Register Here

Onboarding and Offboarding Employees - Keys to Continuity

Employee Onboarding

The beginning and the end of an employee's experience are critical to the success not only of the employee, but to the entire team. Learn the basics of effectively onboarding new and reassigned employees, as well as offboarding departing employees. Practical tools will be shared! 

Register Here

Meeting People Where They Are: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence
This course will focus on the four core competencies of emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. Participants will learn to develop and implement these competencies to enhance their relationships in work and life by increasing their understanding of social and emotional behaviors, as well as learning how to adapt and manage their responses to particular situations.

Register Here

Entrenched Conflict to Calm Collaboration-Using "De-escalation Listening"

This workshop focuses on how to employ “de-escalation listening,” a type of active listening that creates space for collaboration and problem-solving. The workshop begins with a discussion about healthy conflict vs "high conflict" and how de-escalation listening can play a part in moving out of "high conflict."

Register Here

Decisions, Decisions! Creative Problem Solving and Decision-Making Techniques

Decisions Plan AB
In this workshop you will learn and apply creative thinking techniques to problems, learn and practice a method of Problem Solving which can be applied to nearly any situation, and learn four styles of effective Decision Making and match them to appropriate situations.

Register Here

Personal Branding - Building your Professional Presence

Your Brand
What does your personal branding say about you? Join us as we discuss the importance of personal branding in attaining your professional presence and aspired goals.

Register Here

CSU's Got Talent

 You Got This

"You Got This. Mastering the Skill of Self-Confidence" September 27 from 10:00 - 11:00 AM PT


Register the Day of the Webinar

Upcoming Classes

Mar 27 2025 - 12:15pm to 12:45pm
Mar 28 2025 - 8:00am to 8:30am
Mar 28 2025 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Productivity Tools

This workshop will provide a demo and overview of different productivity tools you can use to increase work productivity, manage large projects, and improve collaboration across team members.

Register Here

Excel Tips and Tricks

excel spreadsheet
Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned Excel user, these tips and tricks can help to save time and make the most of your Excel experience. From shortcuts and formula basics to Pivot Tables, there is something for everyone in this session.

Register Here

Facilitation for Faculty Developers

This workshop with Jennifer Imazeki, AVP for Faculty and Staff Diversity and Director of the Center for Inclusive Excellence, will discuss the skills and dispositions of effective faculty developers as well as strategies to address common concerns / challenges that arise when facilitating faculty groups.

Register Here

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Tech Tips

New Course Bundles in CSU Learn

There are several bundles of courses availabe in CSU Learn.  You can view this bundles by clicking the Library icon on the left hand side of CSU Learn home page.  Then open the Skillsoft Percipio Content menu, and select one of the many topics available.

Skillshops @ the Library
