October 2022 Newsletter

Enjoy the Journey

Life is a JourneyCSU Learn has implemented a new type of content called Journeys.

Each Journey is a guided collection of courses, book and audio summaries about specific roles and skills.  A journey keeps you working toward an overall goal, helping you to achieve your career aspirations. Each stage takes you step-by-step through a diverse set of topic areas. As you move along the path, each journey builds upon your current knowledge allowing you to broaden and strengthen your skills.

Journeys are made up of required tracks, which contain all of the learning content for a specific path or job function, as well as optional resources. To complete a journey, you must complete all of the tracks within the learning path.

Once you complete your journey, you will receive a certificate of completion.

Currently we have two categories of Journeys:

  • Aspire Journeys for Business Skills - examples in this category include Administrative Assistant, Communications Manager, Customer Service Representative, Event Planner, Finance for Non-Financial Professionals, Office Manager, and many more
  • Aspire Journeys for Technology and Developer - examples include Agile for Software Development, Business Analyst to Data Analyst, Data for Decision-Makers and Leaders, Data Visualization Mastery, Developer Fundamentals, and many more

Find the Journeys by logging in to CSU Learn > click the Library menu on the left hand side > open the Sillsoft Persipio Content menu > click either Aspire Journeys for Business Skills or Aspire Journeys for Technology and Developer.

This is an extraordinary opportunity to learn, at your own pace, new skills or to enhance your knowledge to continue your current journey, or to start a new journey towards a new position.

Featured Tech Skills Course

Tech SkillsJava Novice to Javanista Journey

Java is one of the most in-demand programming languages in the world and one of the two official programming languages used in Android development. Though Java is a pure object-oriented language, it has developed into a multi-paradigm language making it highly compliant to any situation. Developers familiar with Java can build a wide range of applications, games, and tools. If you are new to Java development, you may be a little apprehensive - how easy is Java to learn? This journey helps you get started with Java and it will take you all the way to becoming an accomplished Java developer!


Continuous Improvement Essentials - "Lean Basics"


This workshop is designed for staff to understand the basics of Continuous Improvement using Lean tools. We will discuss:

  • Your role in helping CSU Continually Improve
  • Learn how to identify waste
  • Learn the basics of Lean and its terminology
  • Learn how your knowledge can help make CSU be more efficient

Register Here

Top 7 NEW Features in Microsoft Word

How to Electrify Your Drive – The Switch to an Electric Car

toy electric car

Have you been thinking about driving electric, but still have questions? How will I charge? How far can I go? How expensive is it? Will I miss stopping at the gas station?

Register Here

Decisions, Decisions! Creative Problem Solving and Decision-Making Techniques

Decisions Plan AB

In this workshop you will learn and apply creative thinking techniques to problems, learn and practice a method of Problem Solving which can be applied to nearly any situation, and learn four styles of effective Decision Making and match them to appropriate situations.

Register Here

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft SkillsDelighting Customers with Design Thinking Journey

Design thinking is a customer-centric approach to determining how best to meet customer needs, and advocates early stakeholder engagement in the co-creation and development of solutions. Design thinking enables organizations to create value by more effectively ideating to uncover a broader set of possible products and services to better meet customer needs, deepen customer and supplier relationships, and improve the design of digital experiences. The process revolves around developing an understanding of the people for whom you're designing your products or services. This can help you better target your end user and make your clients happier.


 On the Bookshelf


100 Ways to Motivate Others: How Great Leaders Can Produce Insane Results without Driving People Crazy, Third Edition

by Steve Chandler

Based on years of successful live workshops, seminars, and personal coaching programs on communication and leadership, this user-friendly book offers fresh insights into communication and rapid decision-making, the importance of personal self-leadership and physical energy, and more.

Read the Book on CSU Learn

Personal Branding - Building your Professional Presence

Your Brand

What does your personal branding say about you? Join us as we discuss the importance of personal branding in attaining your professional presence and aspired goals.

Register Here

Success as 1st Gen Professional

Student Success Barriers

The transition from student to professional can be difficult if you don’t already have a support network. Join us to learn about potential barriers and strategies to address concerns as you transition from college to career. This session might be most beneficial for those recently switching from a student to staff opportunity in higher education or other industries.

Register Here

Trust is a Verb! - The Action you can Observe, Measure, and Create


Learn practical ways you can build, observe, and measure trust starting with self trust. This session will leverage concepts from Franklin Covey's "Leading at the Speed of Trust" to explore the importance of self-trust and relationship trust and how you can build a trust account with others to improve relationships, results, and productivity.

Register Here

CSU's Got Talent

Unleashing Your Greatness

"Unleashing Your Greatness: 5 Keys to Being Extraordinary" October 19 from 10:00 - 11:00 AM PT


Register the Day of the Webinar

Upcoming Classes

Mar 27 2025 - 12:15pm to 12:45pm
Mar 28 2025 - 8:00am to 8:30am
Mar 28 2025 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Productivity Tools


This workshop will provide a demo and overview of different productivity tools you can use to increase work productivity, manage large projects, and improve collaboration across team members.

Register Here

Selling Yourself, Selling Your Ideas


Every day we sell ourselves and our ideas. As a staff member pitching a procedure or preparing your self-evaluation, or as a faculty member working on a grant application, research competition, or compiling your PIF, it is important to recognize the significance of your work, your ideas, and yourself, and how to sell or convey this in an efficient and successful way.

Register Here

Rejuvenation and Finding Joy


In this workshop we will introduce you to a variety of contemplative practices such as mindfulness meditation, reflective reading and writing, deep listening, contemplative movement, compassion and loving kindness.

Register Here

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Tech Tips

One Way to Save Money on Streaming Services

You can watch lots of great series and movies across dozens of streaming services, but even subscribing to five of them could easily cost you more than $50 a month.  This artlcle from CNET will show you a trick to help save money.

Read the CNET article here

Skillshops @ the Library
