October 2020 Newsletter

Annual Mandatory Anti-Harassment (TIX/DHR) and Conflict of Interest (COI) Training Due

ComplianceCampus Colleagues, it is that time of year when we all need to ensure that we have completed our mandatory trainings as prescribed by Executive Order 1096 and CA Gov. Code, §12950.1.

Depending on your role, you are required to complete and are assigned one of the following CSULearn DHR/TIX courses:

  • Supervisory employees must complete 2 hours of training once every two years (i.e. the CSULearn course Supervisor: Anti-Harassment, Discrimination).
  • Non-supervisory employees must complete 1 hour of training annually (i.e. the CSULearn course Preventing Discrimination and Harassment for Non-Supervisors.

If you are indeed no longer in a supervisor role, please email Scott Kasper (scott.kasper@humboldt.edu) in Human Resources so you can be reassigned the Non-Supervisor training. EO 1096 also requires all employees to complete the 1 hour TIX course (i.e. the CSULearn course CSU’s Sexual Misconduct Prevention Program).

Conflict of Interest (COI). In addition, State law also mandates that designated employees and/or Principal Investigators (Gov Code, §81000, et seq.) must take an ethics training (Conflict of Interest) every two years or within six months.

If you are a supervisor, in a designated position and/or are a PI, you must complete these trainings as assigned in CSULearn. Human Resources will be sending the current overdue/pending due report to the President and Vice Presidents for distribution. We will also be sending reminder emails to Administrators and employees as well.

Please note that this message is intended for those who either have training assigned that is currently overdue or due to be completed by the end of the year.

Please don’t wait! HR is here to assist those who have questions or need assistance.

Featured Tech Skills Course

Tech Skills

Trello: Finding & Sharing Information

To collaborate on a project, people must be able to locate and share information. Learn how to search for items in Trello, view activity, share information, and create content using email or your Slack account.

Course time: 29 minutes


Non-Positional Thinking


Non-positional thinking helps us explore beyond the obvious and rise above our "positions" on specific issues.  It helps us question our underlying assumptions to create new and more well-founded solutions.   Learn this four-step process to help you think more deeply.

Register Here

 Change Management: Implementing Prosci ADKAR

Change Management

Change management means managing the people side of change, and should be planned and implemented in tandem with technical and structural change. This course will review the basics of implementing the Prosci ADKAR method of Change Management.

Register Here

Brené Brown: Called to Courage

Conflict Management and Understanding Others


Join this session to better manage conflict by strengthening your power of empathy toward those you don't understand, those you do - and yourself. You will also learn the challenges to empathy, and when it may have gone too far.

Register Here

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Navigating the Workplace with Emotional Intelligence

Any organization, regardless of its size, industry or location, is made up of people – people who interact on a daily basis, and not always without incident. Developing emotional intelligence within the organization is a key factor in ensuring that these relationships run smoothly. This is especially true of leaders, who must provide an example of how to behave in group settings. In this course, you’ll learn how building emotional intelligence, or EQ, can improve team or group interactions. You’ll also explore the role of emotional IQ in workplace activities, conflict and stress management, as well as employee influence and engagement.

Course time:  26 minutes


Onboarding Reassigned Employees

Employee Onboarding

Employees who move into a new position on campus benefit greatly when their onboarding experience is well-managed and meaningful. Research shows employees who are onboarded with intention and thoroughness are 70% more productive and 82% more likely to stay with their employer. This course will equip anyone with employee onboarding responsibilities with clear guidelines and best practices for onboarding reassigned employees.

Register Here

 On the Bookshelf


Start With Why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action

by Simon Sinek

Why are some people and organizations more innovative, more influential, and more profitable than others? Why do some command greater loyalty? In studying the leaders who've had the greatest influence in the world, Simon Sinek discovered that they all think, act, and communicate in the exact same way-and it's the complete opposite of what everyone else does. People like Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Jobs, and the Wright Brothers might have little in common, but they all started with why. Drawing on a wide range of real-life stories, Sinek weaves together a clear vision of what it truly takes to lead and inspire.

Find the Book at the HSU Library


When Employees Leave

Out of Office
Learn the basics of retaining institutional knowledge, transferring key partnerships, appropriately acknowledging exiting employees and more.

Register Here

CSU's Got Talent

How to Be Happy at Work

"How to Be Happy at Work" October 20 from 10:00 - 11:00 AM PT

presented by Annie McKee, Ph.D., Senior Fellow, Best-selling Author, Speaker, and Advisor

Register the Day of the Webinar

The Reassignment Process


Understand the reassignment process at HSU, and related implications of Union contracts on the reassignement process. Recommended audience: managers and supervisors.

Register Here

Learning Opportunities to Support Campus Reorganization

The Human Resources team is creating a new learning series for managers and others responsible for staff onboarding, offboarding and reassignment. New courses will include:

  • Onboarding Reassigned Employees: Increasing morale, productivity and retention
  • The Reassignment Process: Overview of the steps of reassigning employees, and the implications of Union contracts
  • Offboarding Employees: The technical side of offboarding departing employees
  • When Employees Leave: Facilitating retention of institutional knowledge and effectively acknowledging departing employees

These classes will be offered multiple times over the coming months. Keep an eye on the Training website for upcoming classes! Contact Nancy Olson with any questions.

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Tech Tips

 Enable Registration for a Zoom Meeting
  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Meetings.
  3. Schedule a New Meeting or edit an existing meeting.
  4. In the Registration section, select the Required check box.
  5. After scheduling the meeting, the Registration and Branding tabs will appear.
  6. Manage attendees: Click View to see a list of people that have registered for the meeting.

Skillshops @ the Library