November 2020 Newsletter

Veterans, Family, Community

Autumn HandsNovember is a busy month! And with it comes commemoration, celebration and interaction with family and friends. 

On November 11 we commemorate Veteran’s Day, and all those who have served and currently serve to preserve our safety and freedoms. We hope you enjoy this article honoring Veterans, penned by Scott Kasper, PsyD.

At the end of the month, of course, comes Fall Break. While families and friends typically engage in traditional gatherings, learn more about how you can make Thanksgiving special even if you are not able to gather.

In addition to Fall Break, we have many other reasons to connect – and some of them might not be so easy. Learn how you and those you interact with can build healthier relationships and strong bonds, even across differences.

From all of us on the Training team, we wish you a productive and positive month ahead!

Featured Tech Skills Course

Tech Skills

Linkedin for Web: Setting Up a Profile

To get the most out of LinkedIn, you're going to need to know how to create and customize your profile. Learn how to create an account, sign in, and add information to your private and public profiles.

Course time: 45 minutes


Veterans Day

Veterans Day

Please join the HSU Office of Human Resources in honoring all of our active and veteran students, faculty and staff as well as all of those within our community on November 11, 2020.

HSU Vets Program Highlight

The HSU Green Zone program offers training for staff and faculty to become Green Zone Advocates. Highlights from the program includes: how to identify student veterans and understand their demographics, military experience and the cycle of deployments as well as understanding the strengths and challenges veterans may experience in the classroom. Becoming and Green Zone Advocate, among other things, provide their availability for listing and assistance student veterans and their families as well as help with referrals to appropriate services available to them. For more information about the HSU Green Zone visit the link below.

Foundation Highlight:

The Not Forgotten Foundation was established in 2014 by Veterans of the Armed Forces. The vision and mission of the foundation is to “provide awareness to the community about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and by recognizing the men and women that have served in the Armed Forces” all while paying “special tribute to those service members that have paid the ultimate sacrifice or suffered a life altering disability while serving.” the Not Forgotten Foundation which is a non-profit foundation established in 2014 by Veterans of the Armed Forces. The vision and mission of the foundation is to “provide awareness to the community about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and by recognizing the men and women that have served in the Armed Forces” all while paying “special tribute to those service members that have paid the ultimate sacrifice or suffered a life altering disability while serving.”

“As many as 400,000 Service Members live and struggle with invisible wounds of war. Sadly, most think that they are alone. Help Us. Help Them.” – Not Forgotten Foundation.

HSU Green Zone

How to Engage in Civil Dialogue

Reminder - Annual Compliance Training Due

If you haven't completed these courses yet, please remember to do so as soon as possible.

Depending on your role, you have been assigned the following compliance courses:

  • CSULearn course Preventing Discrimination and Harassment for Supervisors
  • CSULearn course Preventing Discrimination and Harassment for Non-Supervisors
  • CSU's Sexual Misconduct Prevention Program (Title IX)
  • Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

Please don’t wait! HR is here to assist those who have questions or need assistance.

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Do We Have a Failure to Communicate?

Communicating effectively can be challenging when having difficult conversations. Because these challenges typically involve emotions such as hurt, anger, or confusion, it's not uncommon for people to avoid one another or shut down, preventing what could be a productive exchange at many levels. In this course, you'll examine some common communication challenges and how you can successfully navigate them. By showing patience, perseverance, and accountability, you can effectively deal with tough conversations, communicate your message, and reach mutual understanding and agreement.

Course time:  26 minutes


Change Management – Prosci ADKAR Basics

Change Management

Change at an institutional, department or even individual level is more than the business side of planning. Every bit as important is the people side of change. Prosci's ADKAR Model is designed to guide change based, fundamentally, on how we as human beings experience change.

Register Here

 On the Bookshelf


Turn the Ship Around!

by Captain L. David Marquet, U.S. Navy (Retired)

Turn the Ship Around! is an inspirational story of Captain L. David Marquet, the newly appointed captain of the USS Santa Fe, one of our country's poorest performing submarines. Upon inspection he realized that his crew was trained to follow orders and not question authority. This became abundantly clear when Captain Marquet gave an order to complete an impossible task and not one questioned it. Captain Marquet took the extraordinary step of removing the top-down leader-follower leadership model that permeates both the armed services and corporate America. He instilled a leader-leader model, where his crew members were expected to ask questions, were given authority to act as subject matter experts in their field, and took ownership over their duties. The turnaround was remarkable; the USS Santa Fe went from last to first in performance standards. 

I highly recommend Turn the Ship Around! as it challenges the traditional leadership models you find in our society. The book embraces empowerment, accountability, and critical analysis at all levels.

~ David J. Montoya III, J.D., M.A., SHRM-CP
Associate Vice President of Human Resources

Find the Book at the HSU Library



Non-Positional Thinking


Non-positional thinking helps us explore beyond the obvious and rise above our "positions" on specific issues.  It helps us question our underlying assumptions to create new and more well-founded solutions.   Learn this four-step process to help you think more deeply.

Register Here

17 Fun Quarantine Thanksgiving Ideas to Help You Have a Festive Feast

Ahead, we've found the best quarantine Thanksgiving ideas you can do at home. From watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade (yes, it's still happening this year) to making a creative fall craft, these ideas will help you celebrate in style. You might even find that taking the time to reimagine Thanksgiving could lead to new traditions that last for years to come. Need more ideas on how to celebrate the holiday?

Full Article on Good Housekeeping

CSU's Got Talent

The 4 Types of Narcissism You Need to Know

"The 4 Types of Narcissism You Need to Know" November 18 from 10:00 - 11:00 AM PT

presented by Dr. Ramani Durvasula, Clinical Psychologist, Author and Professor at Cal State LA

Register the Day of the Webinar

Upcoming Classes

Mar 27 2025 - 12:15pm to 12:45pm
Mar 28 2025 - 8:00am to 8:30am
Mar 28 2025 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Personal Resilience in an Uncertain World

Resilience Plant

We already lived in a VUCA world - volatile, uncertain, ambiguous and uncertain. Then 2020 arrived. At the onset of the pandemic, we as a University scrambled to rapidly adapt to working and teaching remotely, with commitment to maintaining excellent work quality and continuing to support our students. But this is taking a toll on all of us, and our resilience can wear thin. This session will explore easily accessible ways to build your personal resilience, now and as we continue to adapt in the future.

Register Here


Internal Dynamics of Leadership


Peter Drucker said, "You cannot manage other people unless you manage yourself first." In this session we will explore fear and reactivity, and gain easy-to-use tools to better manage ourselves in an uncertain world. (Note: this is not only for those in leadership positions!)

Register Here

Onboarding Reassigned Employees

Employee Onboarding

Employees who move into a new position on campus benefit greatly when their onboarding experience is well-managed and meaningful. Research shows employees who are onboarded with intention and thoroughness are 70% more productive and 82% more likely to stay with their employer. This course will equip anyone with employee onboarding responsibilities with clear guidelines and best practices for onboarding reassigned employees.

Register Here

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Tech Tips

Use Your Voice in Google Docs

You probably use your phone’s speech-to-text to dictate text messages or emails, but did you know you can do the same in Google Docs? It’s free and it works surprisingly well.

  1. Open a new document in Google Docs
  2. Enable Voice Typing from the Tools menu. Then start dictating.

Voice Typing recognizes commands like “comma,” “period,” and “new paragraph” as well.

Skillshops @ the Library