May 2020 Newsletter

Learning in This New Reality

Remote LearningLearning is inevitable in a dynamic and challenging time like we are all experiencing. None of us signed up for this, and it's probably fair to say none of us saw this coming just a few short months ago. And yet we move forward, adapting and learning as we go.

Like you, we on the HR Training and Professional Development Team are adjusting our work to meet the most relevant needs our campus and our colleagues are facing. Here are some resources assembled to help you build new skills and to provide ideas, information and encouragement:

  • "Learning Bundles", created in partnership with the CSU CO, on topics such as managing and participating in virtual teams, maintaining work-life balance and managing stress, mindful meetings, and online training opportunities for student employees.
  • A new Facebook community exclusively for Humboldt employees, where you can connect, get informed and share a laugh with your colleagues!
  • CSU's Got Talent webinars on Leveraging Positivity and Returning to "Normal" Work (whatever that is...).
  • Virtual classes to enhance your skills in Zoom, Concur, Drupal, Google Drive and more.

Please let us know if there are specific ways we can support you. Contact us at

THANK YOU for all you are doing to keep our campus moving forward. We are proud to call you our colleagues!

Featured Tech Skills Course

Tech Skills

Adobe CC Overview of New Features

This course introduces learners to the new features for the Design, Web, and Video tools in Adobe Creative Cloud. This course also provides an overview of the new features available for the Cloud.

Course time: 1 hour


Performance Evaluations for 2019/2020 Period

Performance Evaluations

It is time for annual staff evaluations to be completed. Due to contractual reasons, the performance evaluation periods are unchanged. The performance period for evaluation staff continues to be May 1st to May 1st, final-signed evaluations due in HR by May 31st.

Please visit the Staff & Management page located in the HSU Human Resources webpage at

The detailed instructions for how to process the Final performance evaluation using Adobe Sign can be found using the link above or by using this direct link:

For questions, please contact Scott Kasper, PsyD at


Mindfulness: 9 Attitudes, with Jon Kabat-Zinn


Resources for Managing Stress during COVID-19


The Coronavirus pandemic can take an emotional as well as a physical toll. But there are strategies that can help with the stress, grief, and anxiety that many people are feeling. This section links to information and resources to support self-care, the work of providers, and community efforts.

Read the Article at National Center for PTSD

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Creating Work/Life Balance

For working professionals, keeping up with the competing demands of office and home takes more than good time-management skills. It requires an ability to prioritize and set a healthy work/life balance. This Challenge Series exercise explores the ways that work/life balance can be created to minimize stress and maximize productivity.

Course time: 15 minutes


CSU's Got Talent Webcast Special Event - Stay Positive

CGT Stay Positive

Join a special CSU's Got Talent with Shola Richards on May 15 at 10am. Shola is author of "Go Together" and "Making Work Work". He'll be talking about how we can stay positive and mentally prepare for a return to "normal" work (whatever that looks like). If you haven't heard Shola speak then you really should join this! He's fabulously inspiring and funny too. You won't be disappointed.

Register Here on May 15 @ 10 AM

 On the Bookshelf


Rising Strong

by Brené Brown

"The physics of vulnerability is simple: If we are brave enough often enough, we will fall. The author of the #1 New York Times bestsellers Daring Greatly and The Gifts of Imperfection tells us what it takes to get back up, and how owning our stories of disappointment, failure, and heartbreak gives us the power to write a daring new ending. Struggle, Brene Brown writes, can be our greatest call to courage, and rising strong our clearest path to a wholehearted life".

Find the Book at the HSU Library


If You Suddenly Work Remotely, Communication Matters More Than Anything Else

Work From Home

by Monica Torres from Huffpost

If you are one of the workers who is making a sudden and new transition to full-time remote work, you may be getting a lot of opinions and advice about working from home, as I have been from old-timers who love it and haters who find the routine overrated.

Read the Huffpost Full Article

CSU's Got Talent

CGT Leveraging Positivity

"Leveraging Positivity" May 28 from 10:00 - 11:00 AM PT

Presented by Dr. Maria Sirois, Psy.D., Positive Psychologist, International Consultant, and Author

Register the Day of the Webinar

Upcoming Classes

Mar 27 2025 - 12:15pm to 12:45pm
Mar 28 2025 - 8:00am to 8:30am
Mar 28 2025 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Managers: Here's A 7-Step Practical Guide To Leading A Remote Team

Remote Work Astronaut

by  Leah Ryder from Trello

Managers of remote teams do all the same things in-office managers do: Hiring, onboarding, performance reviews, weekly check-ins, and more. We just do them a little… differently. Yes, we use many (many) Zoom calls to keep up facetime with our teams, but managing employees who work from home 100% of the time takes more strategic thinking and intentional planning than simply recreating in-office scenarios in a digital world.

Whether you’re trying to quickly adapt to a remote management situation, or settling into the role for the long-term, the same fundamentals need to be put in place to build solid communication, performance, and employee growth. It might feel difficult, even unintuitive, at first, but it’s our job as managers to create a great place to work. And it’s oh-so-rewarding to have a productive team that is flexible, independent, and brings diverse perspectives to the table. The remote team I manage spans three countries, and they are the most productive people I know!

Read the Full Article on Trello

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 HSU Skillshops

 Online Skillshops

HSU SkillShops are co-curricular workshops facilitated by staff, faculty and students across campus. Open to both students and employees, SkillShops are now being offered virtually!

Explore What's Happening

Tech Tips

5 Zoom Keyboard Shortcuts
  1. Quick Invite - When you're in a meeting, type ⌘Cmd+I (PC: Alt+I) to open the Invite window.
  2. Record Meetingtype ⌘Cmd+Shift+R (PC: Alt+R) to start recording any meeting.
  3. Share ScreenTo start a screen share, type ⌘Cmd+Shift+S (PC: Alt+Shift+S).
  4. Mute AudioUse ⌘Cmd+Shift+A (PC: Alt+A) to mute/unmute your audio.
  5. Turn Off VideoTo quickly turn video off/on, hit ⌘Cmd+Shift+V (PC: Alt+V).

Skillshops @ the Library