March 2018 Newsletter

Creating and Sustaining an Environment Free of Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation

harassmentHRAPS’ support for Humboldt’s commitment to creating and sustaining an educational and working environment free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation

Title IX requires Humboldt to take necessary steps to prevent sexual assault on campuses and to respond promptly and effectively when harassment, discrimination and/or retaliation is reported. It is HR&APS’ role to facilitate the distribution of the university’s written DHR policies to all university employees.  These policies are identified as CSU Executive Orders 1095, 1096, and 1097. Please review these Executive Orders which are linked below.

Humboldt is also required to provide training to the campus community on how to prevent, identify and report discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence. These trainings are provided online via SkillPort. All employees are required to complete the training assigned to them based on their roles. Once assigned, you will receive an e-mail message from Skillport with additional information about this training requirement. You may navigate directly to the Title IX training by using this link and logging in with your standard Humboldt username and password. 

New Supervisors and Current Supervisors

California Gov Code §12950.1 requires supervisory employees to complete a 2-hour training course once every two years. This requirement is currently met by completing the Skillport course “EDU Supervisor: Anti-Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation (CA-13-H).”

Effective on January 1, 2018 Senate Bill 396 amended §12950.1 to require supervisor training include an additional component of harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation. To meet this new legal requirement, supervisors will be assigned the additional Skillport training course “Gender & Sexual Orientation at Work (AB 1825 Booster).” Both “EDU Supervisor: Anti-Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation (CA-13-H)” and “Gender & Sexual Orientation at Work (AB 1825 Booster)” must be completed. This is an interim measure while the Chancellor’s Office works to update and combine both training course into one Skillport training which is anticipated to be completed in April-2018.

Also, the CSU has hired a new vendor (United Educators) for our HR compliance training content.  This new vendor will be providing a new training course which has tentatively been name “Prevent Discrimination and Harassment Together (California Edition).” This new course will be with the new SB 396 requirements and will replace the above mentioned training courses.  Once this new course is launched, supervisors will only be required to take one course to satisfy the AB 1825 and SB 396 requirements.

Featured Tech Course

Working with Graphic, Audio, and Video Content in PowerPoint 2016

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 provides several options for adding images and audio and video content to presentations, and for modifying this content to suit your needs. In this course, you'll learn how to work with SmartArt, how to add, adjust, and crop images, and about predefined artistic effects you can add to images. You'll also learn how to add audio, video, and screenshots or screen recordings to slides in PowerPoint 2016. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 for beginners.

  • change the layout of shapes in a SmartArt graphic and convert SmartArt to text or shapes in PowerPoint 2016
  • apply styles and effects to SmartArt in PowerPoint 2016
  • adjust images and apply artistic effects in PowerPoint 2016
  • crop images in different ways in PowerPoint 2016
  • correct and adjust video content, add video styles and effects, and apply styles to audio content in PowerPoint 2016
  • configure video and audio playback options in PowerPoint 2016
  • insert screen recordings, screenshots, and screen clippings in a presentation in PowerPoint 2016

Course time: 58 minutes


Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend


5 Brilliant TED Talks That Will Boost Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is more than a hot topic or trending hashtag. The term describes an extremely important concept: a person's ability to recognize his or her own and other people's emotions, to understand the powerful effect of these emotions, and to use that information to guide thinking and behavior. This quality greatly enhances your efforts to achieve success--in many areas of life.

So how do you develop emotional intelligence? As with any skill, you must study and practice. Here are 5 TED Talks that will help you increase self-awareness and start targeting areas for improvement.

Read the Full Inc Article

Featured Soft Skills Course

Navigating the Workplace with Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence in the workplace is everyone's responsibility. In this course, you'll learn about the role of emotional intelligence in workplace activities, conflict and stress management, influence and engagement, and teamwork.

  • recognize uses for emotional intelligence in the workplace
  • manage conflict using emotional intelligence
  • recognize how to manage stress using emotional intelligence
  • recognize traits of an emotionally intelligent influencer
  • use emotional intelligence to increase team effectiveness
  • recognize how to participate in and lead emotionally intelligent teams

Course time: 26 minutes


On the Bookshelf


Emotional Intelligence Pocketbook: Little Exercises for an Intuitive Life

By: Gill Hasson

A practical "how-to" guide to changing the way you think about your emotions 

Bestselling personal development author Gill Hasson is back with this pocket-sized guide to dealing with your emotions. Learn how to understand yourself and those around you with practical tips and tricks that will help you be more assertive, forge stronger relationships and manage anxiety. 

Did you know that the way you approach your own thoughts and feelings determines your happiness and success in every area of your life? Just think about it for a second, it's not necessarily the smartest people that are the most successful or the most fulfilled in life, being clever or highly skilled isn't enough. Your ability to manage your feelings, other people and your interactions with them are what makes all the difference. 

This highly practical book is full of advice, tips, and techniques to help you: 

  • Understand and manage your emotions
  • Become more assertive and confident
  • Develop your social skills and your interactions with others
  • Handle difficult situations, events, and other people

The Emotional Intelligence Pocketbook is your practical "how-to" guide for understanding yourself and those around you.

Read the Book on Skillport

CSU's Got Talent

Collective Wisdom

March 22nd @ 10am, Dr. Alan Briskin will present the 5 Essential Practices of Collective Wisdom, based on his 25-year career of research as a pioneer in Organizational Learning.

Save Time with AutoCorrect

You can customize Microsoft’s AutoCorrect feature to create shortcuts for frequently used phrases or sentences.  This is useful to replicate text that you use often, but that does not reach the threshold for inclusion in a signature block or letter template.

For example, take the letter or email salutation, “Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.”  This is not something appropriate for every correspondence, but it can be used frequently – each time requiring the typing of 55 characters.  AutoCorrect can create this content in four (or fewer) keystrokes:

  1. In Microsoft Word, select File > Options > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options…
  2. Toggle the Replace text as you type box
  3. In the Replace: field, type “dhtc” (an appropriate abbreviation)
  4. In the With: field, type “Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.”
  5. Select OK

 All Microsoft applications will now AutoCorrect the text “dhtc” as soon as it is typed to “Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.”  (You will need to restart any non-Word platforms to activate the functionality).  The one thing to remember when using this feature is to ensure that the appropriate abbreviation used in the Replace: field is not a word or commonly used acronym.

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Tech Tips

Alt Codes for Letters With Accents
Accented letterAlt code
áAlt + 0225
éAlt + 0233
íAlt + 0237
óAlt + 0243
úAlt + 0250
ñAlt + 0241
üAlt + 0252
¡Alt + 0161
¿Alt + 0191

Skillshops @ the Library