January 2020 Newsletter

Seeing More Clearly in 2020

2020 New Year PictureHappy 2020! It’s a symbolic year, a year to see more clearly who we are, what we want to accomplish and how we want to be together as a campus community.

Recently we completed a campus-wide survey to learn about what you want and need to become a more effective, engaged professional.  You can find out more about the survey results at Professional Development Day on January 16.  We will also share an executive summary of the survey results and next steps a few weeks later.

In response to this survey, we, together with our colleagues in other Humboldt departments, are actively building new professional development offerings and have a robust, diverse calendar of workshops scheduled through spring semester.  Check it out and register on our training calendar.

The Humboldt training and professional development team is here to support your success in 2020.

Featured Tech Skills Course

Tech Skills

Big Data Fundamentals

You've probably heard of big data, but what exactly is it, and how can it be used to give your organization a competitive advantage? In this course you'll learn about the key characteristics of big data, the benefits it can provide, and the types of data it incorporates. You'll also be introduced to the different ways it can be applied, depending on your market sector. This course also covers some fundamental security challenges of big data and some best practices for managing big data through an effective information lifecycle.

Course time: 22 minutes


HSU Understanding ADA Accommodations


This training will review the ADA accommodation and disability interactive process for Administrators including roles and responsibilities for those involved.

Register Here

Managing Difficult Colleagues


Difficult colleagues come in many forms. Gain a better understanding of the motivations behind difficult personalities, and learn strategies for how to communicate with and influence different personality types.  This is a multi-modal course, with a blend of webinar content and facilitated group dialogue.

Register Here

How to Actually Stick to Your Resolutions This Year

5 Tips for Harnessing Renewal to Advance Your Goals

New Way Sign Picture

The arrival of a new year is a time that many choose to make new resolutions – both personal and professional.  Following through on these goals is often challenging, for a variety of reasons that are detailed below.  

To achieve better follow-through on your New Year’s resolutions, try the following:

Instead of new resolutions each January, renew your focus on those things you want to work on. Renewal of these goals will help you tweak them to new realities, and enable you to make new plans to ensure they happen.  Here are five tips to ensure that your annual goals actually happen:

  1. Make January a month of goal renewal and not goal generation. January is a built-in time to automatically be reminded to check on your goals because of all the media attention on it.
  2. Take advantage of micro plans. Setting an annual goal is great, however, 12 months is a long time where you put things off and procrastinate. It is simply human nature. Why not instead make sub-goals or steps of the main goal for every three months? These are far more digestible.
  3. Make a monthly reminder on your calendar to reread all of your goals or plans. I do this and it is incredibly helpful for me to read everything and realize not only all the progress I have made but where I can focus my efforts next. 
  4. Monthly review is fantastic, but do you want to know what is even better? Reviewing small portions of your plan each week, to maintain focus on your goals.
  5. Ensure that your goals aren’t just big, lofty ambitions, but very specific and quantifiable actions. Metrics are your friends. Saying you’ll be the best of something sounds great, but how will you do that?

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Positive Atmosphere: How Organizational Learning Drives Positive Change

If your organization creates a positive learning culture that focuses on developing people, it will not only weather difficult times better than most, but will flourish in an ultracompetitive global market. In this course, you'll be introduced to organizational learning and its benefits to your organization. You'll examine the role of training, knowledge management, and technology in developing employees, and learn about the pivotal role of the continuous learning. By exploring the essential elements and indicators of a self-development culture, the course prepares you to assess your current workplace and determine how conducive it is to learning. Developing talent will increase your competitiveness and create more satisfied, goal-oriented employees – which leads to a more profitable organization.

Course time: 25 minutes

Spring Professional Development Day Is Coming!

PD Day 2019 Picture

Join us Thursday, January 16, from 8:30-11 AM for Spring 2020 Professional Development Day. This event features a panel of community leaders who will discuss topics relevant to the future of HSU and Humboldt County, including economic development, equity, sustainability, emergency preparedness, innovation, and more.  

Participants will also learn about the results of an HSU professional development survey and upcoming professional development opportunities that can help us address challenges and build an even stronger community. 

Register Here


On the Bookshelf


Great at work: how top performers do less, work better, and achieve more

by Morten Hansen

"Why do some people perform better at work than others? This deceptively simple question continues to confound professionals in all sectors of the workforce. Now, after a unique, five-year study of more than 5,000 managers and employees, Morten Hansen reveals the answers in his "Seven Work Smarter Practices" that can be applied by anyone looking to maximize their time and performance. Each of Hansen's seven practices is highlighted by inspiring stories from individuals in his comprehensive study.

Find the Book at the HSU Library


 We Have to Talk: A Step-By-Step Checklist for Difficult Conversations

Difficult Conversations picture

There are dozens of books on the topic of difficult, crucial, challenging, fierce, important (you get the idea) conversations. (In fact, I list several excellent resources at the end of this article). Those times when you know you should talk to someone, but you don't. Maybe you've tried and it went badly. Or maybe you fear that talking will only make the situation worse. Still, you feel stuck, and you'd like to free up that stuck energy for more useful purposes.

What you have here is a brief synopsis of best practice strategies: a checklist of action items to think about before going into the conversation; some useful concepts to practice during the conversation; and some tips and suggestions to help you stay focused and flowing in general, including possible conversation openings.
You'll notice one key theme throughout: you have more power than you think.

From an article by Judy Ringer at judyringer.com

Read the Article

Harassment Prevention and Mandatory Training Changes


This year the California State Legislature passed Senate Bill 778 which was signed by Gov. Newsom on August 30, 2019. The primary changes for mandatory harassment training impacting the CSU’s current offerings are twofold:

“[B]y by January 1, 2020, requires an employer with 5 or more employees to provide at least 2 hours of classroom or other effective interactive training and education regarding sexual harassment to all supervisory employees and at least 1 hour of classroom or other effective interactive training and education regarding sexual harassment to all nonsupervisory employees in California within 6 months of their assumption of a position.” [Emphasis added]


 The additional requirement that employers “… shall also provide training inclusive of harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation as a component of the training and education…” [Emphasis added]

 The Systemwide Professional Development group in the Chancellor’s Office has completed the task of bringing our current CSULearn Harassment Prevention Mandatory trainings into compliance which is available now. The Chancellor’s Office has also directed campuses to complete the mandatory assignment of the newly updated training before the close of this year.

 What this means for all HSU employees:

All employees, with no exceptions, will be assigned the supervisor or non-supervisor Harassment Prevention Mandatory Training beginning on December 16, 2019 with an expanded timeframe of completion of 90 days.

CSU's Got Talent

CGT Time Management picture

“Time Management: What Gets in the Way and How to Reclaim Control Over Your Schedule" - January 28 @ 10:00

Presented by Audrey Reille, MBA, Ed.D., Executive Coach and Speaker

Group Viewing and Discussion Opportunity

Join HR representatives to watch the webinar together, and then open it up for questions and conversation

Library Fishbowl, November 19 from 10 - 11:30 AM

Register to Join the Group

If you prefer to watch it at your desk, please register below the day of the event.

Register the Day of the Webinar

Subscribe to Our Newsletter

To unsubscribe, please send us an email to training+unsubscribeNL@humboldt.edu with the subject: Unsubscribe to Newsletter.

Tech Tips

Assign tasks to your colleages from Google Docs
  1. Open your shared document and highlight a word or section.
  2. Open the "Insert" menu and select "Comment" to leave a comment in the doc.
  3. Add a "+" before typing your colleague's email address in the text field. When you click the blue "Comment" button, your comment will arrive via email.


Skillshops @ the Library