December 2020 - January 2021 Newsletter

Well-Being and the Holidays

Happy HolidaysAs this crazy year wraps up and we head into winter break, we hope you are feeling a sense of relief knowing well-earned time off is right around the corner. 

While the holidays can bring a different kind of stress, in this newsletter we are offering resources to help you navigate this time and use winter break to help re-ground yourself, as you enjoy this special season.

Some households are going all-out to make the holidays an uplifting (albeit socially distanced) extravaganza. Others are aiming for a simple season with little fanfare. Both are wonderful, and yet both come with potential pitfalls. 

Over-reaching to create the perfect holiday celebration can bring anxiety – be easy on yourself and others. You don’t need to make up for this strange year on a single day or week. Do what you reasonably can, and know that is plenty.

Over-simplifying can leave one dissatisfied and feeling alone. Take time to do some easy extras to lift your spirits and connect with those you love.

Well-being is all about balance. From all of us here in Training, we wish you a meaningful, bright and balanced holiday season!

Featured Tech Skills Course

Tech Skills

Zoom: Creating, Joining & Managing Meetings

In this 10-video course, learners will discover how to use Zoom's different features to easily set up and hold meetings from home. Begin by discovering how to sign in and out of the application and explore the interface. This leads into learning how to create meetings, invite people, and examine the meeting features, along with scheduling, viewing, and managing meetings. Learners will also discover how to share and annotate a screen as well as how to send and receive files; how to record, manage, and configure a meeting; how to send and receive messages; and how to save a chat. The course concludes by demonstrating how to configure the general settings as well as audio, video, and screen settings.

Course time: 49 minutes


Staff Compensation & Classification Request Informational Session

Compensation and Classification

Informational session regarding the process for submitting staff classification and compensation related request for review such as requests for in-range progression and classification review.

Register Here

The Season's Best Holiday Ad - Bouygues Christmas


Reminder - Annual Compliance Training Due

If you haven't completed these courses yet, please remember to do so as soon as possible.

Depending on your role, you have been assigned the following compliance courses:

  • CSULearn course Preventing Discrimination and Harassment for Supervisors
  • CSULearn course Preventing Discrimination and Harassment for Non-Supervisors
  • CSU's Sexual Misconduct Prevention Program (Title IX)
  • Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

Please don’t wait! HR is here to assist those who have questions or need assistance.

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Being a Fair and Caring Manager

As a manager, you will wear many different hats as you deal with a variety of people. Because you will encounter many personalities, emotions, and practices, it's important to learn how to be fair and caring when managing others. In this course, you will explore the many facets of treating others with fairness, including how to apply standards fairly. You'll also learn how to demonstrate fairness in your communication, decision making, and personal skills such as listening, sharing, and showing concern to your direct reports.

Course time:  29 minutes


Meditation and Conversation


Join colleagues for conversation and guided meditation to build your connection and resilience. Co-facilitated by Nancy Olson and Sasha Wallace, and offered weekly on Fridays at noon.

Register Here

 On the Bookshelf


Burnout: the Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle

by Emily Nagoski

This groundbreaking book explains why women experience burnout differently than men--and provides a simple, science-based plan to help women minimize stress, manage emotions, and live a more joyful life. The gap between what it's really like to be a woman and what people expect women to be is a primary cause of burnout, because we exhaust ourselves trying to close the space between the two.

Find the Book at the HSU Library



End of CPAL and FFCRA Info Sessions


CPAL and FFCRA Leaves are scheduled to end on December 31, 2020. To help navigate the difficulties this may create, the Human Resources Department is hosting a series of info sessions to help employees and managers navigate our virtual work environment without the availability of these leaves. While the business needs of HSU must be met, strategies such as potential alternative work schedules, in compliance with the collective bargaining agreements, and usage of personal leave banks (i.e. vacation and sick) will be explored.

Register Here

Upcoming Classes

Mar 27 2025 - 12:15pm to 12:45pm
Mar 28 2025 - 8:00am to 8:30am
Mar 28 2025 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

People Formed Trees in the 70's


Positive Psychology

Invest in Yourself
Positive Psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living. The CSU Learning and Development team has curated a set of online learning opportunities to help you explore how Positive Psychology can help shift your life for the better.

Learn More

Onboarding Reassigned Employees

Employee Onboarding

Employees who move into a new position on campus benefit greatly when their onboarding experience is well-managed and meaningful. Research shows employees who are onboarded with intention and thoroughness are 70% more productive and 82% more likely to stay with their employer. This course will equip anyone with employee onboarding responsibilities with clear guidelines and best practices for onboarding reassigned employees.

Register Here

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Tech Tips

Are you in need of fun and captivating learning game or trivia quiz? Try Kahoot!  

Kahoot is an online tool that can help you by combining quiz, polls, word cloud and other question types with slides to instruct in a more engaging way remotely or in class.  You can create your own content in minutes or use thousands of readily made quizes and leanring games in hundreds of topics.  You can even use the premade content as a starting point and modify to your own needs.

Best of all, it is free for you and for your students!

Try it Here

Skillshops @ the Library