December 2019 Newsletter

Priorities – Looking Forward to 2020

PrioritiesSet Yourself Up For Success in 2020.

First, look back on 2019 and take stock of all you've accomplished. Did you achieve what you hoped to at the beginning of the year? If not, what were the road blocks? If yes, what catalyzed your success? Build on this to create your plan for 2020.

Second, setting priorities for 2020 requires three things:

  • Make sure you and your colleagues are on the same page about what needs to be accomplished. Do you have the same understanding of what needs to be done? Clear communication is imperative to your success.
  • Reflect and develop a realistic understanding of your bandwidth. Are you doing too much? Focusing your time on lower-level priorities? Do you have capacity to take on higher-priority tasks to help your team meet overall goals?
  • Write down priorities and your path to achieving them. Stay focused by developing a realistic, measurable plan to follow – and review frequently – throughout the year. (Check out our upcoming Bullet Journal class and explore how this tool can help you stay organized.)

We hope you will also prioritize time with family and friends - and time for yourself. Living in balance is critical to your success in 2020!

Featured Tech Skills Course

Tech Skills

Google Sheets: Pivot Tables

Analyze data efficiently using the built-in features of Google Sheets. Discover how to work with pivot tables, including formatting, sorting, filtering, adding calculated fields, and copying and exporting pivot tables.

Course time: 24 minutes


On the Bookshelf


Organizing for Success

by Kenneth Zeigler

Organizing for Success, provides simple, remarkably effective time management techniques to help readers get two extra productive hours out of every day. The book uses "The Master List" concept to show readers how to budget their time and energy by the day, week, and month.

Readers will learn how to quickly prioritize their goals, complete tasks on time and under budget, and even helps readers plan for the interruptions, urgent emails, and unexpected meetings that will inevitably attack their day. This new edition places heavier emphasis on technology, including advice on how to write, manage and file email more effectively; how to use Lotus Notes and Microsoft Office to streamline the day; and how to use devices like Blackberries and social media as assets and time-savers, rather than as distractions and time sinks.g

Search for "Organizing for Success, Second Edition" on CSU Learn

Employee Onboarding Workshop

Employee Onboarding
Employees who are new to HSU or who move into a new position on campus benefit greatly when their onboarding experience is well-managed and meaningful. Research shows employees who are onboarded with intention and thoroughness are 58% more likely to stay in their jobs more than three years. This course will equip anyone with employee onboarding responsibilities with clear guidelines and best practices for onboarding new employees.

Register Here

Building Leadership Resilience in Higher Education

Resilience - I can't do it

Why do the same incidents paralyze some people but act as a springboard for others to change, grow, and learn? Setbacks, mistakes, and failures are inevitable—the key is resilience. Leaders must be able to navigate these situations and not just bounce back, but bounce forward.

Join this group webinar viewing followed by facilitated discussion.

Register Here

How To Stay Focused At Work (AND AVOID DISTRACTIONS)

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Aligning Goals and Priorities to Manage Time

Too much to do and too little time? Everything is urgent? Modern technology means our employers can reach us 24/7, so schedule management and goal setting are more important than ever. When you're under pressure to deliver, you need to know your priorities. Meeting targets and achieving goals consistently regardless of the business situation isn't easy. And this means managing your time effectively. In this course, you'll learn about aligning each goal with your employer's expectations, clarifying your goals, and prioritizing your most important work. You'll also learn how to ask questions to clarify goals, and how to establish and schedule priorities based on these goals.

Course time: 25 minutes


Travel Safety Tips

Driving Safety

The November holiday break marked the start of the winter driving season – a time when more cars are added to already crowded roads, with their occupants driving long distances to gather with family and friends during varied holiday events.  In situations like these, drivers are often more concerned with the destination than the drive, and can overlook critical safety factors.  

Be mindful of the following “Do’s” and “Don’ts” regarding holiday vehicle travel:

  • Take care of yourself and your passengers by reviewing and implementing the following driver safety tips as you embark on holiday travel:
  • Ensure your vehicle is properly maintained. If maintenance is not up to date, have your car and tires inspected before you take a long drive.
  • Map your route in advance and be prepared for busy roads during the most popular times of the year. 
  • Leave early to mitigate heavy traffic, and alleviate the need to feel rushed to reach your destination.
  • Drive at or under the speed limit to reduce the risk of an accident and to avoid being caught in an expensive seasonal speed trap.
  • Secure your home and vehicle by double checking locks and keeping valuables out of plain sight.
  • Be prepared for emergencies – travel with a fully-stocked emergency roadside kit, warm clothes, and water.  Keep a cell phone and charger with you at all times
Do Not:
  • Drive when you are distracted – Keep eyes and hands off of cell phones when driving
  • Drive when you are impaired – Alcohol is a factor in one-third of all traffic related fatalities 
  • Drive when you are fatigued – Get at least 8 hours of sleep prior to long trips and take 15 minute breaks every two hours to remain alert

Overcoming Social Justice Fatigue for Diversity and Inclusion Professionals

Hands Colors

The unique pressures and demands that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) professionals experience often lead to burnout, exhaustion, and frustration about the lack of change they see on their campuses. Many feel the pressure to manage this stress alone, fearing that they’ll lose their professional credibility and reputation otherwise. However, this behavior can often result in decreased productivity and morale. How can these DEI professionals create the tools and put the plans in place to manage their own self-care, and what can their peers and supervisors do to best support them?

Join the group viewing of this webinar, followed by facilitated discussion.

Register Here

Harassment Prevention and Mandatory Training Changes


This year the California State Legislature passed Senate Bill 778 which was signed by Gov. Newsom on August 30, 2019. The primary changes for mandatory harassment training impacting the CSU’s current offerings are twofold:

“[B]y by January 1, 2020, requires an employer with 5 or more employees to provide at least 2 hours of classroom or other effective interactive training and education regarding sexual harassment to all supervisory employees and at least 1 hour of classroom or other effective interactive training and education regarding sexual harassment to all nonsupervisory employees in California within 6 months of their assumption of a position.” [Emphasis added]


 The additional requirement that employers “… shall also provide training inclusive of harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation as a component of the training and education…” [Emphasis added]

 The Systemwide Professional Development group in the Chancellor’s Office has completed the task of bringing our current CSULearn Harassment Prevention Mandatory trainings into compliance which is available now. The Chancellor’s Office has also directed campuses to complete the mandatory assignment of the newly updated training before the close of this year.

 What this means for all HSU employees:

All employees, with no exceptions, will be assigned the supervisor or non-supervisor Harassment Prevention Mandatory Training beginning on December 16, 2019 with an expanded timeframe of completion of 90 days.

Upcoming Classes

Mar 27 2025 - 12:15pm to 12:45pm
Mar 28 2025 - 8:00am to 8:30am
Mar 28 2025 - 11:00am to 12:00pm


The Kanban Way: How To Visualize Progress And Data In Trello

Kanban Trello

 There’s a way of delivering customer value at a higher rate and quality, all while staying responsive to the rapidly evolving market; one that doesn't require exhaustive changes or a cultural overhaul.

It’s called the Kanban Method, and today it’s used by businesses ranging from small start-ups to world-renowned enterprises who aim to improve their service delivery, decision-making abilities, and team collaboration. 

This article by Sonya Siderova appeared on Trello.

Read the Article in Trello

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