December 2017 Newsletter

Annual Mandatory Supervisor Anti-Harassment and Conflict of Interest Training Due

ComplianceCampus Colleagues, it is that time of year when we need to ensure that we have completed our Supervisor: Anti-Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation and Conflict of Interest by the end of the year. Please note that this message is intended for those who either have training assigned that is currently overdue or due to be completed by the end of the year.

California State law mandates that supervisory employees (Gov Code, §12950.1) must take sexual harassment training every two years or within six months of your assignment into a supervisory position. If you are indeed no longer in a supervisor role, please email Scott Kasper ( in Human Resources so you can be reassigned the non-Supervisor training. In addition, State law also mandates that designated employees and/or Principal Investigators (Gov Code, §81000, et seq.) must take an ethics training (Conflict of Interest) every two years or within six months. 

If you are a supervisor, in a designated position and/or are a PI, you must complete these trainings as assigned in Skillport. As a side note, it is recommended that you access and complete the online training by using Firefox. Human Resources will be sending the current overdue/pending due report to the President and Vice Presidents for distribution. We will also be sending reminder emails to Administrators and employees as well.

 Please don’t wait! HR&APS is here to assist those who have questions or need assistance.

Featured Tech Course

Designing and Formatting Illustrations in Word 2016

Enhance Word 2016 documents with decorative, professional looking illustrations using the Format and Design ribbons dedicated to Shapes, Pictures, Charts, Textboxes, WordArt and SmartArt. In addition, focus on compressing illustrations This course addresses more complex formatting using Word 2016. Some of these skills, for instance, section breaks and pagination options, are beneficial when working with large documents which require complex formatting. This course is one of a series in the Skillsoft learning path that covers Microsoft Word 2016 for intermediate-level users.

Applying Artistic Effects
  • start the course
  • add shadows and reflections to pictures in Word 2016
  • apply a glow, soft edges, and 3-D formatting or rotation to an object in Word 2016
Modifying Pictures
  • remove the background of an image in Word 2016
  • apply color saturation, tone, and recolor options to a picture in Word 2016
  • change image brightness and contrast, and soften or sharpen images, in Word 2016
Formatting Pictures and Shapes
  • apply picture styles, effects, and layouts to pictures in Word 2016
  • change an existing shape and apply shape styles and effects in Word 2016
SmartArt and Chart Design Options
  • modify the layout of shapes in SmartArt in Word 2016
  • apply SmartArt layouts and styles, add new shapes, and use the Text pane for SmartArt in Word 2016
  • apply chart layouts and styles, and add additional chart elements, in Word 2016
  • switch the layout of chart rows and columns, and select and edit chart data, in Word 2016
Adding Columns, Pages, and Section Breaks
  • add and remove column formatting, and add column breaks, in Word 2016
  • select the correct pagination option when working with paragraphs in a Word 2016 document
  • insert new page and continuous section breaks in Word 2016
Practice: Editing Illustrations
  • apply transparency and a picture style and layout to a picture, and add an element to a chart in Word 2016

Course time: 56 minutes

Featured Soft Skills Course

Making Feedback a Regular Occurrence

Coaching by definition is action-centered. This is the main thing that differentiates it from counseling. At this point in the coaching engagement, the Feedback works best as an ongoing effort, not an occasional event. Workplaces that incorporate feedback into daily practice enjoy more communication and fewer unpleasant surprises. This course focuses on how you integrate feedback into your routine and what you can do to promote a 'feedback culture' – whatever your role in the organization. Instead of viewing feedback as an isolated event or as a response to some specific problem, learn to use it as proactive coaching.

Good Feedback Isn’t Just Now and Then
  • incorporate feedback into your routine
  • deliver effective feedback coaching
  • guide someone through the promotion of a feedback culture
  • make feedback a regular occurrence in your work environment

Course time: 24 minutes


Follow-Up Training

Employees who complete this course will be invited to attend an Instructor-Led follow up training on campus.  We'll send a personal invitation with the place and date information.


A Conference Call in Real Life

Lucidchart Logo

Did you know that we have access to Lucidchart through Google Apps?

Lucidchart is an online diagram application that makes it easy to sketch and share professional flowchart diagrams.  From brainstorming to project management, it supports all of your communication needs.

To access Lucidchart, open Gmail from myHumboldt portal.  Click the apps menu button, and click "more apps."  Scroll down until you see the Lucidchart logo and click on it.

Explore this very useful tool and enjoy all its benefits!

CSU's Got Talent

CGT Leader as Coach

“Leader as Coach, Save Time and Solve Problems by Asking the Right Questions”

Do people ask you to solve their problems?  Are you frustrated with the outcome of conversations with employees?  As a leader, you can use a coaching approach to help your employees uncover their own answers for the problems they face.  Discover how listening and asking powerful questions can engage and motivate your employees.

This live webcast recording is now available on Skillport.
You can find the webcast recording here:

Open Webinar Recording

CSU Skillport Usage Contest Update

Keep up the great work, everyone!

We are still in the top five campuses in Skillport usage so far! Our biggest competitors to date are San Luis Obispo, Fresno, Monterey Bay, and Long Beach.   

The competition continues through December, so there’s plenty of time to join in the fun!  Improve your skills while helping HSU beat out the rest of the CSU by taking a course or viewing a video through Skillport. 

Need ideas on what to take? Check out the featured Skillport courses in this month’s newsletter!

Upcoming Classes

Mar 27 2025 - 12:15pm to 12:45pm
Mar 28 2025 - 8:00am to 8:30am
Mar 28 2025 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

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Learn to Use Skillport


 Learn how to navigate, find courses, books, and other content on Skillport.

Click Here to Learn


Tech Tips

Trello Tips: Stay In The Know

Sometimes you want to keep up-to-speed with what’s going on with a card that isn’t necessarily a task assigned to you.

This is where subscribing to cards comes into play. Click the Subscribe button on a card to get notifications for any important actions performed, and stay informed on the cards that you need to follow.

Trello is the easy, free, flexible, and visual way to manage your projects and organize anything

Skillshops @ the Library