April 2019 Newsletter

Staff Performance Evaluations

Performance EvaluationThe current staff annual evaluation period is fast approaching. The current performance period ends on May 1, 2019. Human Resources recommends that all Appropriate Administrators with direct reports begin reviewing each employee’s performance for the current period in preparation for timely completion. As a reminder… all staff evaluations are due to Human Resources by May 31, 2019.

Scott Kasper, PsyD and Alfredo Corral will be conducting at least two sessions of training for Performance Evaluations in April. Please keep a look out for that announcement.

For questions regarding the performance evaluation process, collective bargaining agreement provisions, and more, please contact Scott Kasper, PsyD in Human Resources at 826-5174 or scott.kasper@humboldt.edu.

Two Soft Skills Courses Instead of One

Performance evaluations always have two points of view.  This month's edition will feature one course focused on how to positively receive feedback, and a second one on how to effectively provide feedback. We hope these courses help you in the perfomance evaluation process.

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Gaining a Positive Perspective on Feedback

Though valuable, feedback can be hard to accept. This course covers the value of feedback and how it differs from praise. You'll also learn how to manage your reactions and response to feedback, and how to use it for professional growth.

Course time: 30 minutes


Performance Review - The Office UK


 Do You Need to Change Tax Withholdings?

Change Tax Withholdings

Tax season is over and you may find that you need to adjust your tax withholdings.  It is very simple to do:

  1. Open the Employee Action Request Form
  2. Check the Withholding Allowance Change Box (Section B-03)
  3. Fill out Sections C and E
  4. Print the form
  5. Sign and date the form in Section I
  6. Bring the form to the Human Resources Department

Depending on the date that you bring the form, your deductions will change the next pay period or the following one.

Remember that you can change your withholdings at any time during the year.

If you have any questions, please contact the Human Resources Department at extension 3626 or hsuhr@humboldt.edu

Open EAR Form

From CSU's Got Talent Archive

The Human Side of Performance Management

Join Kristina de la Vega as we tap into the human side of performance management. You will learn the importance of employee engagement, and performance management actions critical to the success of your university.

About the Speaker:
Kristina oversees a 40 person HR team. She has a passion for developing and engaging employees. She previously served as Director of Employee Relations, overseeing the employee and labor relations functions as well as the Professional Development and the Employee Assistance Programs, Kristina holds a Bachelors in Business Administration (emphasis in HR Management) and a Master's of Business Administration both from Loyola Marymount University.

Launch Webcast

Featured Soft Skills Course

Soft Skills

Polishing Your Feedback Skills

Giving feedback is vital in the workplace. This course covers when and how to give feedback positively, how to handle bad reactions and your own nervousness, and how to give feedback to people at different organizational levels.

Course time: 34 minutes


HSU Software for Home Use

HSU Software for Home Use

HSU makes a number of software applications available to members of the university community at low or no cost.

Academic Software

HSU students, faculty, and staff can download academic software for home use as part of the university's license agreements for those applications. You can see a list of software available for your personally-owned computer by logging into HSU's Home/Personal Use Software Downloads page.

Other Software

Additional free and discounted software for home use is available through our third-party software distributor, Kivuto OnTheHub. Your role at HSU (student, faculty, staff, STEM) determines which products you are eligible to download and the price you'll pay. To see what’s available to you, log into Kivuto OnTheHub with your HSU username and password, and browse the site.  Download step-by-step Kivuto OnTheHub ordering instructions here

Learn More on the IT Website


On the Bookshelf


How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students

By: Susan M. Brookhart

Beginning with different types of teacher feedback and their purposes, this book moves chapter by chapter through written and oral feedback, helping students use teacher feedback, suggestions for content specific feedback, and ends with a discussion of how to adjust feedback for learners.

This book's research-based strategies and practical classroom examples illustrate how teachers can provide feedback that helps students learn--and that motivates them to want to learn.

Find it at the HSU Library

CSU's Got Talent

Great Grammar in 60 Minutes

“Great Grammar in 60 Minutes”, April 23 from 10:00 - 11:00 AM PT

Presented by Nancy Flynn, M.A., Writing Skills Trainer, Business Writer and Author

Register Here

HSU Library Week - April 7 - 13

Library Week 2019

Libraries = Strong Communities

Happy #NationalLibraryWeek! Join us in celebrating the many ways our Library is building strong communities and transforming lives! Visit HSU Library today!

Join us at our Library Week events:

  • Tues., April 9 - Celebrate with us as we recognize National Library Workers Day
  • Thurs., April 11 - Book Reading by author Margo Genger ('73 Communication), Library Fishbowl, 4pm - 5pm
  • All Week: Check out our HSU Press Published book display and magnetic poetry in the Library lobby.

Upcoming Classes

Mar 27 2025 - 12:15pm to 12:45pm
Mar 28 2025 - 8:00am to 8:30am
Mar 28 2025 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

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Google is Adding Email Scheduling and "Smarter" Features

Gmail launched 15 years ago.  In honor to that milestone, Google is offerning a new suite of smart tools, including scheduled messages and suggested subject lines. 

Read the Full Article

Tech Tips

Gmail Shortcut Cheat Sheet

Have you ever wondered what keyboard shortcuts to type when using Gmail? Wonder no more! Just type Shift+? while in Gmail to get a pop-up list.  Also, check out the Minimalistic Gmail Cheat Sheet from Visual.ly for an info-graphically perfect representation.  

You can even personalize the keys used by going to the gear icon > Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts.

Skillshops @ the Library